This is the best thing you will upon the decision of Bill Belichick, one can say the 2013 fifth-round pick yesterday's trading for the most reluctant warriors of the NFL, the former Pro Bowl defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth, then two more late-round Cincinnati Bengals for mercurial receiver Chad Ochocinco.
The worst thing you can say? Haynesworth in this case is easy.
• The refusal to try the remote, which paid him $ 41 million the Redskins in the last two years, including 34 million in the first 13 months in Washington to win?
• need 10 attempts, a fitness race where it looked like a drowning man in his own bacon happened?
• Failure to stop reading the newspaper or talking on his mobile phone during the team meetings?
• from the Redskins for the last four games last year for the disabled, who co-head coach Mike Shanahan called "his refusal to serve in a number of ways?''
• Stomping on the head unhelmeted Dallas Cowboys center Andre GURODEM, an act of self Haynesworth as "ekelhaft''und for him the longest suspension bridge for a foul on the ground in the history of the NFL?
• Twice into battle with friends in Tennessee, the second time, resulting in a one-game suspension for punching one in the back of the head during an argument?
• Complaints about how the former Redskins defensive coordinator Greg ran 4-3 in the defense, and Blache next year defensive coordinator Jim Haslett is dismal 3-4, refused to play the bottom of the Haynesworth, in the ? First or second
• As such a fool as his original employer, the Titans to give him something close to a competitive offer, if it became a free agent after the team All-Pro first went in last two seasons?
Or should we get down to business?
• Road Rage pay a charge out of court in Virginia, and is on a similar charge after claiming that it was a woman driver in another car has stopped raging?
• to trial in August for allegedly fondling a waitress in a strip club with his credit card to try their division, then in his card, well, you can think of punch.
• sideswiping a car as he would drive 103 miles in 65 hours on the highway in his black Ferrari, who is partially paralyzed and Corey Edmonson over 250,000 dollars in hospital after spinning into a concrete attack ?
• As stupid enough to do the imitation top NASCAR 4 days after administration of probation for driving 100 mph on I-65?
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Children education in Indonesia
One day I got a chance to visit a mosque at one of slum areas in South Jakarta. I didn’t teach the kids how to read Quran, because they already have good teachers for that, but I told them my stories. About pursuing my dreams.
They are kids who glad enough to survive day after day. Living side by side with the garbage their parents collect everyday to make a living. All of them didn’t have a dream at all. Or passion. Or anything. I can only see blank stare in their eyes. No burning desire to get whatsoever ahead in their life. They’re afraid to speak their mind. And reluctant to even speak it through writing. I’m very concerned. These are Indonesia’s next generation!
I have a dream for them. That someday they could turn their life around, brought their family with them, out of the slums. Starting with writing and reading. More knowledge, more insights, more sharing, more creativities, would grow these kids.
I started series of public speaking in universities and schools to encourage more young people to write and eventually read. I challenge them to write in several days. Create a book together at Just be a creator, not only a follower. This project somehow excite them. One of the students at St. Ursula even said that she’s the one who’s going to make the cover of their class book.
They are kids who glad enough to survive day after day. Living side by side with the garbage their parents collect everyday to make a living. All of them didn’t have a dream at all. Or passion. Or anything. I can only see blank stare in their eyes. No burning desire to get whatsoever ahead in their life. They’re afraid to speak their mind. And reluctant to even speak it through writing. I’m very concerned. These are Indonesia’s next generation!
I have a dream for them. That someday they could turn their life around, brought their family with them, out of the slums. Starting with writing and reading. More knowledge, more insights, more sharing, more creativities, would grow these kids.
I started series of public speaking in universities and schools to encourage more young people to write and eventually read. I challenge them to write in several days. Create a book together at Just be a creator, not only a follower. This project somehow excite them. One of the students at St. Ursula even said that she’s the one who’s going to make the cover of their class book.
Video Games Improve Children Skills
According to some recent reports, video games improve cognitive and perceptual skills, hand-eye coordination and even social skills. It seems that games are not just a waste of time, but are powerful tools and can have many positive effects we didn’t expect they could.
The process of hand-eye coordination occurs when the eyes receive information and send it to the brain which uses it to coordinate with the hands to perform an activity.
Hand-eye coordination skills can be improved by practicing and exercising. One way to do so is by playing action video games. For some kids this seems to be the best way.
Video games are useful in this because the gamer must use his or her hands and fingers to respond to the information seen on the screen. Children can benefit from this practice even before they can read and write well.
As we get older some skills such as hand-eye coordination, motor skills and reflexes, need some sharpening, so it is wise to be involved in some game or sport.
Video Games Improve Social Skills
Computer and console gaming improve social interaction skills and social development. I suppose you are asking: “Where did this come from?” I didn’t make this up, it’s the conclusion of recent research reports.
Computer and console gaming improve social interaction skills and social development. I suppose you are asking: “Where did this come from?” I didn’t make this up, it’s the conclusion of recent research reports.
There where days when gamers were seen as being social outcasts. They were lonely people with machines for friends, but now things have changed. The main factor is the internet and online games.
The researchers claim that three-quarters of gamers play against other people whether it was off-line or on-line. Gamers can work off their anger and feel relaxed, plus they don’t have to feel alone. They can work together with their gaming friends becoming more socially responsible.
Video Games Improve Cognitive and Perceptual Skills.
Researchers claim that some video games can have advantageous effects, improving gamers’ skillfulness and their ability to solve problems. They came to the conclusion that playing video games can improve cognitive and perceptual skills.
Children who often play video games like: arcade games, action games, horse games, improve their concentration and math skills. When playing on-line, gamers also discuss their strategies and thoughts, developing informal scientific reasoning practices.
Gamers deal with a number of varied tasks at the same time. They notice new enemies, follow existing enemies, and avoid getting damaged, among other tasks. Such efforts may result in improved visual skills.
Video games also improve ones driving skills, because they require focus and manual agility. Smart children might use the results of these reports and say they can’t stop playing because they are improving their skills and so improving their future.
Educational Computer Games
Now and days, children are learning how to use computers and computer toys various ages. This includes computers, laptops, and toys that are designed just like computers and laptops. Many children have started to use technology early, so they have many educational games to choose from. There are games out there to help enhance their learning skills, computer skills, and provide hours of fun.
Of course you want to find a computer game that is easy and age appropriate for your child. But it never hurts to find a game with a bit of a challenge to it. Games with a little challenge will encourage children to use their thinking skills as they learn. This can include games that teach a baby how to identify objects and communicate, or games that teach older children their alphabet, counting, and identify shapes and colors.
Educational computer games can help children to enhance their computer skills, as children will learn how to point and click with a mouse and type small words or their names. As stated earlier, they can help children enhance their learning skills by helping them to learn about shapes, colors, and the alphabet. This will help them learn about reading and math in the process.
You can find these games in various forms. For example, you can find games with different levels of ease and difficulty to match the child’s age and grade level. You can also find games in different popular cartoon and storybook characters, such as Spongebob, Dora, Care Bears, and Arthur. This will help to capture and keep the interest of the child. They love watching and reading about their favorite characters, so they will love to play and learn with them as well!
You can find educational computer games can be found both in stores for your PC or laptop, or online at websites designed for children. You can find the games in stores such as Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, and Toys R Us, all for various prices. They come designed for different computers and operating systems. You just pick the one that will work with your computer, install it, and let your child play. You can also go online to children sites, such as sites designed for children’s television channels or educational sites. Once you find a website and game you and your child likes, then your child can play right there on the website. Another way of playing educational computer games would be to find educational gaming systems from brands such as Leapfrog and V-Tech (some of their toys come designed as toy computers and laptops).
You can also find computers, laptops, and netbooks that are actually designed for children. Many of them will come with educational computer games already on them, so your child can beginning playing once it is purchased, bought home, and opened. Some of them can even use books, flash cards, and more games, to add to the fun. You can find them from various children brands, which include Crayola, Leapfrog, and V-Tech. They come in various cartoon and storybook characters as well, just as the regular games do. In addition, you can even find netbooks designed by Disney. The best part is you do not need to worry about your child’s safety when using these computers and playing games, as they are designed just for children to use!
Brands such as Leapfrog and V-Tech offer toys that seem like computers or laptops. Toys such as these make great alternatives for parents who do not want their children to use a real computer or laptop just yet. Children can still press the buttons and keys, and some may even come with a toy mouse! Some of these toys use storybooks or flash cards instead of an actual monitor. They may be a little different, but they all still include educational computer games, for topics such as counting, shapes, and colors. In addition, they can all make children feel like they have their own computer and computer games, without the use of a real computer.
Regardless of what kind of device and games you choose for your child, they are sure to have a fun learning experience playing with their educational computer games!
Use DeviantArt to Drive Traffic and Promote Your Site
Adapted from my original article How to Use DeviantArt to Boost Google Pagerank and Increase Views
Many people are looking for new ways to promote their web content – whether it be their own websites, photography, or even Bukisa articles. While the usual tried and true methods of SEO and advertising work just fine, more artistic minds might want to think outside of the box a little. For those looking to try a different approach, I present! Deviant Art is not simply an art community, but a popular communication tool. It’s high traffic rate and Google ranking make it an ideal place to tell people about your projects. With some creative thinking, you can utilize it to promote just about anything you’re working on.
Step 1. Before we get into the specifics of using the site as a promotion tool, you’re going to actually need an account to get started. It’s free, so sign right on up. If you’re going to be using the site for a specific project, I recommend using the project as your username. If you’re going to be showcasing several of your projects on the site, use your own name (the same that appears, for instance, on your Bukisa articles).
Step 2. Figuring out just what to submit can be tricky. As I’ve written about previous (see my Flickr article in the resources), taking unique photos for your blog or Bukisa articles is a good place to start. You can upload these photographs to DeviantArt in the same way you would on Flickr. In these examples here, is sharing many of the web interfaces their designers have created. In deciding what to post, you’re going to have to think like an artist. What’s the most artistic part of the thing you’re promoting? What would Deviant Art users actually be interested in? This is where the need for creativity comes in. Maybe you could draw some amusing diagrams for your Bukisa articles and post those. It’s really up to you to figure out. Remember: It doesn’t matter if what you’re making is good, only that you try to actually make something. DeviantArt users will be very vocal on how you can improve your craft.
Step 3. Once you’ve got your art piece picked out, we need to optimize it so search engines and gallery browsing users can find it. The best way to do this is using keywords and the description. Let people know what the image is about and what it includes. Jam pack those keywords. Include a link to the site you’re trying to promote in your description. If there’s a link specific to the image (for instace an Bukisa article that usesThe ideas is that if someone is looking for images of, say, a sewing project they would come across your macro stitch photograph and find out you actually have a How To article or blog post about it. The interested user would then find out about your project! These users are fantastic traffic, too – they tend to revisit your site frequently and track your new submissions.
Step 4. Now that your main content is taken care of, fill in the gaps a bit. Update your profile. Add some information about yourself. Utilize the journal space – it’s a great way for people to see what you’ve been up to. You can mirror your site’s blog, provide some teasers for what’s coming up, or post information about what articles you’ve recently written.
Step 5. Watch. Get watchers. Browse the site and find others with similar interest, or artists who’s work you enjoy. Comment on their stuff, add it as a favorite, mark them as a friend. The site is a community after all. Simply browsing around and telling people what you think will actually result in fantastic amounts of traffic.
Step 6. Stay active. Even when you’re away from the site for a few days, people will be poping by and commenting on your art. Mark these people are friends. Send them messages back. It’s very important that you keep up with the people who are showing interest in your project. It shows them that you actually value what they have to say, and it’ll help keep them coming back.
Additional Tips
Saturday, July 9, 2011
10 Tips Tingkatkan Memory Otak !
FAKTOR umur bukan menjadi penyebab seseorang menjadi pelupa. Bisa jadi itu karena otak mengalami kelelahan dan mengalami overload karena dipaksa bekerja dari waktu ke waktu. Agar hal ini tidak terjadi, dan otak Anda mampu berfungsi secara maksimal, ada baiknya mengikuti kiat san tips yang diberikan ominic O’Brien, juara,dunia delapan untuk kategori mengingat.
Berikut tips sederhana yang diberikannya untuk meningkatkan kerja memori otak :
Berikut tips sederhana yang diberikannya untuk meningkatkan kerja memori otak :
- Biasakan Selalu Mengingat Berdasarkan Huruf Pergunakan teknik ini untuk mengingat apapun. Saat anda harus mengingat apa saja yang harus Anda kerjakan, coba mulai dengan mengingat huruf kegiatan yang akan Anda lakukan. Contohnya: jika Anda harus membeli susu, keju, telur, dan roti di pasar swalayan, fokus dengan huruf SKTR. Hafalkan dan ingat terus ketika Anda akan berbelanja.
- Biasakan Menulis Jika tidak mampu mengingat, coba dengan menuliskannya di kertas. Tulisan sederhana di secarik kertas, biasanya membantu Anda mengingat akan apa yang harus Anda kerjakan. Jika tidak memiliki secarik kertas dan pulpen, coba gunakan fungsi pengingat di ponsel yang Anda miliki.
- Latih Daya Pikir Tetap fungsikan kerja otak Anda dengan melakukan kegiatan yang bersifat melatih mental dan kata-kata. Seperti mengisi TTS atau bermain dengan puzzle . Bisa juga Anda mulai dengan membuat paper dari kerats koran yang telah Anda baca di pagi hari. Atau latih kerja otak Anda dengan melakukan sejumlah pertanyaan setiap hari.
- Bayangkan Anda Memiliki Ingatan Baik Untuk melatih daya ingat, sangat membantu dengan bermain imajinasi. Misalnya dengan membuat daftar belanjaan dalam bentuk imajinasi nakal. Misalnya jika Anda mau beli jeruk, bayangkan jeruk itu sebagai miniatur matahari di langit.
- Ucapkan dengan Keras Tips ini untuk Anda yang suka lupa terhadap nama orang. Katakan dengan keras mengenai diri orang itu sebanyak tiga kali saat Anda akan melakukan sesuatu hal. Misalnya: saat Anda akan meletakkan kunci, katakan, sebut nama orang itu tiga kali.
- Tantang Kemampuan Otak Ini lebih kepada kebiasaan yang rutin dilakukan sehari-hari. Jika Anda terbiasa menyikat gigi atau menyisir rambut dengan tangan kanan. Coba ubah dengan tangan kiri. Karena kebiasaan ini akan melatih otak Anda mengubah kebiasaan.
- Jangan Lupa Suplemen Otak Makanan yang mengandung banyak antioksidan, vitamin A, C dan E sangat membantu memberikan kesehatan fungsi otak dan memori. Seperti dalam sayuran atau buah yang berwarna, semisal pisang, cabe merah, bayam, dan jeruk. Antioksidan juga membantu tubuh membersihkan efek radikal bebas yang merusak sistem sel di otak dan beberapa bagian tubuh. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan minyak ikan yang didapat dari ikan mackerel, sardines dan tuna kaya akan Omega 3 dan 6 , serta beta karoten.
- Biasakan Mengeja dari A-Z Semisal dengan nomor pin. Jika biasanya dilakukan dengan angka, coba ganti dengan huruf. Coba visualisasikan dalam bentuk huruf dari A-Z.
- Kondisi Badan Harus Tetap Sehat Satu fakta penting yang harus disadari untuk meningkatkan memori dan kerja otak, lakukan kegiatan olahraga. Karena olahraga mampu memperlancar peredaran darah dan ini membantu meningkatkan kadar oksigen yang dibutuhkan dalam neuron atau otak. Cukup dengan melakukan jalan santai selama 20 menit, itu sudah membantu memperlancar peredaran darah.
- Konsumsi Herbal Dari beberapa penelitian terbukti, mengkonsumsi ginkgo biloba dapat membantu mengingat jangka pendek. Jika secara rutin dilakukan akan mempermudah serta membantu memori kerja otak. Konsumsi herbal lain pun sangat membantu untuk meningkatkan kerja otak.
Tips memilih domain untuk bisnis
Untuk setiap project bisnis online yang akan kita laksanakan, tentunya kita akan selalu membutuhkan sebuah nama domain yang sesuai dan representatif untuk mengembangkan “merek” bisnis kita tersebut. Jika tidak, hal ini bisa berdampak pada kurang efektifnya usaha marketing yang kita kembangkan.
Lalu, bagaimana cara untuk memilih nama domain yang bagus?
Berikut tips-tipsnya.
[1] Pilih nama yang mewakili bisnis Anda
Jika bisnis Anda berkisar seputar jual beli baju, usahakan pilih nama domain yang memiliki unsur kata baju di dalamnya. Jangan beli domain dengan nama yang tidak ada hubungannya, bahkan bertentangan. Misalnya, jika Anda menjual baju, Anda bisa pilih nama domain, dan jangan memilih nama
[2] Usahakan memilih domain berakhiran .Com
Seperti,,, dan seterusnya. Dan bukan,,, atau yang lainnya.
Kenapa? Karena domain dengan akhiran .com identik dengan domain bisnis. Bahkan identik dengan nama domain secara umum.
Jika ada dua buah domain bernama dan, kira-kira orang akan mengingat yang mana ketika mengetikkannya di jendela browser? Domain .com jawabannya.
[3] Pilih nama domain yang mudah diingat
Selain itu, pilihlah nama domain yang mudah diingat konsumen. Banyak pengguna website yang hingga hari ini masih mengandalkan ingatan mereka untuk membuka suatu situs yang pernah mereka buka (dan mereka sukai) sebelumnya.
Kalau Anda mencari gudang software gratisan, mana yang akan Anda ingat dengan lebih baik:, atau
Saya yakin, pilihan pertama jawabannya.
[4] Pilih nama domain yang pendek
Dalam banyak kesempatan, lebih singkat nama domain Anda, maka lebih baik untuk bisnis Anda.
Daripada membuat domain dengan nama, jauh lebih baik membuat nama saja. Domain yang pendek lebih mudah diingat dan lebih elegan dibanding nama domain yang panjang.
[5] Hindari nama domain yang memakai angka
Dan jangan memilih nama domain yang penulisannya ambigu, atau bisa ditulis dengan banyak versi.
Misalkan, domain Saat ada teman bermain ke rumah Anda dan bertanya tentang domain yang Anda miliki, mungkin Anda bisa berkata bahwa domain saya adalah “satu dua tiga”.com. Tapi kira-kira apa yang akan ditafsirkan oleh teman Anda?
Apakah Atau Atau
Memusingkan, bukan? Dan juga memungkinkan kesalahan ketik. Karenanya, hindarilah.
[6] Hindari bentrokan dengan masalah hak cipta
Berikutnya, untuk menghindari masalah di kemudian hari, usahakan untuk tidak memakai nama domain yang sudah ada hak ciptanya. Seperti menggunakan merek-merek besar.
Jika Anda bukan orang yang memiliki akses untuk boleh memakai merek “Toyota” katakanlah, maka jangan pernah membuat domain dengan nama “Toko-Toyota.Com” atau “”. Anda tidak akan pernah tahu kapan pemegang merek merasa tersinggung dengan nama domain Anda, dan mengadukan Anda ke pengadilan atas masalah pelanggaran hak cipta tersebut.
[7] Untuk personal branding, gunakan nama Anda
Jika Anda menggunakan domain Anda untuk mengembangkan nama Anda sendiri, gunakanlah nama Anda. Misalkan: Jangan gunakan nama barang, apalagi nama orang lain.
[8] Terakhir, gunakan “top” atau “best” atau sejenisnya untuk website review
Jika Anda membeli domain yang dipergunakan untuk affiliate marketing dengan tipe review, adalah ide yang bagus untuk memakai kata “best” atau “top” dalam nama domain Anda.
Saya beri contoh untuk domain review web hosting, gunakanlah nama :,
Kenapa? Karena biasanya orang mencari web hosting terbaik di search engine seperti google dengan keyword “best web hosting” atau “top hosting” atau sejenisnya. Dengan memiliki nama domain yang mirip dengan keyword yang diinginkan, potensi situs Anda untuk berada di halaman awal search engine akan lebih besar lagi.
Lalu, bagaimana cara untuk memilih nama domain yang bagus?
Berikut tips-tipsnya.
[1] Pilih nama yang mewakili bisnis Anda
Jika bisnis Anda berkisar seputar jual beli baju, usahakan pilih nama domain yang memiliki unsur kata baju di dalamnya. Jangan beli domain dengan nama yang tidak ada hubungannya, bahkan bertentangan. Misalnya, jika Anda menjual baju, Anda bisa pilih nama domain, dan jangan memilih nama
[2] Usahakan memilih domain berakhiran .Com
Seperti,,, dan seterusnya. Dan bukan,,, atau yang lainnya.
Kenapa? Karena domain dengan akhiran .com identik dengan domain bisnis. Bahkan identik dengan nama domain secara umum.
Jika ada dua buah domain bernama dan, kira-kira orang akan mengingat yang mana ketika mengetikkannya di jendela browser? Domain .com jawabannya.
[3] Pilih nama domain yang mudah diingat
Selain itu, pilihlah nama domain yang mudah diingat konsumen. Banyak pengguna website yang hingga hari ini masih mengandalkan ingatan mereka untuk membuka suatu situs yang pernah mereka buka (dan mereka sukai) sebelumnya.
Kalau Anda mencari gudang software gratisan, mana yang akan Anda ingat dengan lebih baik:, atau
Saya yakin, pilihan pertama jawabannya.
[4] Pilih nama domain yang pendek
Dalam banyak kesempatan, lebih singkat nama domain Anda, maka lebih baik untuk bisnis Anda.
Daripada membuat domain dengan nama, jauh lebih baik membuat nama saja. Domain yang pendek lebih mudah diingat dan lebih elegan dibanding nama domain yang panjang.
[5] Hindari nama domain yang memakai angka
Dan jangan memilih nama domain yang penulisannya ambigu, atau bisa ditulis dengan banyak versi.
Misalkan, domain Saat ada teman bermain ke rumah Anda dan bertanya tentang domain yang Anda miliki, mungkin Anda bisa berkata bahwa domain saya adalah “satu dua tiga”.com. Tapi kira-kira apa yang akan ditafsirkan oleh teman Anda?
Apakah Atau Atau
Memusingkan, bukan? Dan juga memungkinkan kesalahan ketik. Karenanya, hindarilah.
[6] Hindari bentrokan dengan masalah hak cipta
Berikutnya, untuk menghindari masalah di kemudian hari, usahakan untuk tidak memakai nama domain yang sudah ada hak ciptanya. Seperti menggunakan merek-merek besar.
Jika Anda bukan orang yang memiliki akses untuk boleh memakai merek “Toyota” katakanlah, maka jangan pernah membuat domain dengan nama “Toko-Toyota.Com” atau “”. Anda tidak akan pernah tahu kapan pemegang merek merasa tersinggung dengan nama domain Anda, dan mengadukan Anda ke pengadilan atas masalah pelanggaran hak cipta tersebut.
[7] Untuk personal branding, gunakan nama Anda
Jika Anda menggunakan domain Anda untuk mengembangkan nama Anda sendiri, gunakanlah nama Anda. Misalkan: Jangan gunakan nama barang, apalagi nama orang lain.
[8] Terakhir, gunakan “top” atau “best” atau sejenisnya untuk website review
Jika Anda membeli domain yang dipergunakan untuk affiliate marketing dengan tipe review, adalah ide yang bagus untuk memakai kata “best” atau “top” dalam nama domain Anda.
Saya beri contoh untuk domain review web hosting, gunakanlah nama :,
Kenapa? Karena biasanya orang mencari web hosting terbaik di search engine seperti google dengan keyword “best web hosting” atau “top hosting” atau sejenisnya. Dengan memiliki nama domain yang mirip dengan keyword yang diinginkan, potensi situs Anda untuk berada di halaman awal search engine akan lebih besar lagi.
Solusi terbaik Internet Marketing Tanpa Menambah Biaya Pengeluaran
Internet telah membuat dunia usaha yang terbuka. Hal ini telah menjadi penting bagi perusahaan untuk lebih mengembangkan pasar dan target konsumen. Menarik untuk Internet Marketing mungkin beresiko bagi orang yang ingin terlibat dengan jenis usaha ini.
Pastikan bahwa sebagian besar dari target konsumen akan mendapatkan produk Anda. Mempertimbangkan produk terbaik yang akan diambil dengan minat dan kebutuhan. Ini berarti Anda harus mengidentifikasi orang-orang yang secara khusus adalah target market anda, lokasinya dan keuangan di tingkat masyarakat. Pemasaran memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk mencapai tujuan di bidang pemasaran internet.
Saat ini, Anda dapat menggunakan beragam Internet Marketing Solusi yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan yang dapat menjadi alat untuk mendukung promosi sampai ke konsumen. Ini mungkin solusi pemasaran email, mesin pencari optimasi atau membuat halaman web atau situs. Karena Anda harus memaksimalkan keuntungan kembali, Anda perlu memilih Internet Marketing yang akan membantu Anda mencapai tujuan tersebut. Teknik pemasaran ini tidak akan banyak biaya karena mereka sendiri sangat jelas, sehingga mudah dipelajari.
Email marketing adalah cara umum pemasaran Internet . Ini adalah cara efektif cara berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan konsumen, mengarahkan mereka untuk mengunjungi situs Web Anda dan cek produk Anda. Mungkin dengan cara pemasaran artikel, membawa mereka ke forum atau newsletter. JV newsletter memiliki keuntungan untuk perluasan bisnis Anda sehingga konsumen lebih banyak mendaftar pada Anda,Anda dapat memiliki daftar email yang banyak.
Cara lain pemasaran Internet adalah melalui pemasaran melalui website. Ini adalah strategi promosi untuk mempromosikan product, Anda dapat menampilkan semua informasi yang diperlukan untuk target konsumen. Website harus lengkap setiap transaksi, dari penyelidikan untuk pembayaran dapat dilakukan. Semua korespondensi yang akan dilakukan secara online harus difasilitasi dengan baik oleh fitur pada website Anda.
Cara Lain Marketing Internet adalah dengan pemasaran mesin pencari optimasi. Ini adalah jenis layanan untuk situs web Anda yang dapat memanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung ke situs Anda. Sekali konsumen yang menggunakan mesin pencari, situs Web Anda akan peringkat tinggi dalam daftar pencarian yang kembali akan meningkatkan lalu lintas ke situs Anda.
Dengan Mempertimbangkan Internet Marketing ini, sudah banyak berbagai perusahaan perangkat lunak yang menawarkan produk yang mengandung satu atau semua solusi. Itu akan menjadi kesempatan besar untuk mencoba salah satu yang sesuai dengan kemampuan keuangan dan diharapkan kembali menghasilkan keuntungan.
Pastikan bahwa sebagian besar dari target konsumen akan mendapatkan produk Anda. Mempertimbangkan produk terbaik yang akan diambil dengan minat dan kebutuhan. Ini berarti Anda harus mengidentifikasi orang-orang yang secara khusus adalah target market anda, lokasinya dan keuangan di tingkat masyarakat. Pemasaran memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk mencapai tujuan di bidang pemasaran internet.
Saat ini, Anda dapat menggunakan beragam Internet Marketing Solusi yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan yang dapat menjadi alat untuk mendukung promosi sampai ke konsumen. Ini mungkin solusi pemasaran email, mesin pencari optimasi atau membuat halaman web atau situs. Karena Anda harus memaksimalkan keuntungan kembali, Anda perlu memilih Internet Marketing yang akan membantu Anda mencapai tujuan tersebut. Teknik pemasaran ini tidak akan banyak biaya karena mereka sendiri sangat jelas, sehingga mudah dipelajari.
Email marketing adalah cara umum pemasaran Internet . Ini adalah cara efektif cara berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan konsumen, mengarahkan mereka untuk mengunjungi situs Web Anda dan cek produk Anda. Mungkin dengan cara pemasaran artikel, membawa mereka ke forum atau newsletter. JV newsletter memiliki keuntungan untuk perluasan bisnis Anda sehingga konsumen lebih banyak mendaftar pada Anda,Anda dapat memiliki daftar email yang banyak.
Cara lain pemasaran Internet adalah melalui pemasaran melalui website. Ini adalah strategi promosi untuk mempromosikan product, Anda dapat menampilkan semua informasi yang diperlukan untuk target konsumen. Website harus lengkap setiap transaksi, dari penyelidikan untuk pembayaran dapat dilakukan. Semua korespondensi yang akan dilakukan secara online harus difasilitasi dengan baik oleh fitur pada website Anda.
Cara Lain Marketing Internet adalah dengan pemasaran mesin pencari optimasi. Ini adalah jenis layanan untuk situs web Anda yang dapat memanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung ke situs Anda. Sekali konsumen yang menggunakan mesin pencari, situs Web Anda akan peringkat tinggi dalam daftar pencarian yang kembali akan meningkatkan lalu lintas ke situs Anda.
Dengan Mempertimbangkan Internet Marketing ini, sudah banyak berbagai perusahaan perangkat lunak yang menawarkan produk yang mengandung satu atau semua solusi. Itu akan menjadi kesempatan besar untuk mencoba salah satu yang sesuai dengan kemampuan keuangan dan diharapkan kembali menghasilkan keuntungan.
Dapatkan Penghasilan Dari Internet
Saat anda mengunakan internet pernahkah berpikir untuk menggunakannya sebagai cara untuk mendapatkan Online Income dengan hasil yang menajubkan. Sebab sekarang ini banyak sekali orang yang menggunakan internet sebagai alat untuk menjadi pelengkap hidup mereka sepertinya halnya mencari berita, hiburan, teman, informasi kesehatan dan yang lainya. Tapi sudahkah mencoba mencari penghasilan dari internet...?
Mungkin bagi sebagian dari anda hal ini “Online Income” adalah bukan hal yang baru lagi. Tapi bagian sebagian orang bisa jadi belum pernah mencoba atau bahkan belum tahu. Untuk mencari penghasilan dari internet kita bisa mencoba beberapa cara seperti ini contohnya:
Internet Classifieds, Pop up, Banner, dan semua hal tentang penawaran produk atau jasa yang anda lihat di internet, itulah yang dilakukan para internet marketer. Para internet marketing ini akan mendapatkan komisi atau bayaran dari setiap penjualan produk, yang berhasil dijual melalu iklan yang mereka tampilkan di internet. Bisa anda bayangkan berapa hasil yang mereka terima. Karena mereka akan mendapatkan komisi 30-50% dari harga barang yang mereka tawarkan kepada pengguna internet diseluruh dunia.
Apakah anda pernah bekerja sebagai administrative dan data entry, atau mungkin kemampuan mengetik anda 30-50wpm (kata per menit). Karena sebagai data entry baik itu online / offline anda akan melakukan pekerjaan mengetik dengan cepat dan tingkat akurasi rata-rata diatas 92%. Sejumlah perusahaan besar didunia sudah beberapa tahun belakangan ini membuka kesempatan ini secara online dan tidak masalah anda berada dinegara manapun selama anda bisa memenuhi akurasi dan batas waktu yang mereka tetapkan.
PAID SURVEYS (research surveys)
Ketika anda sedang berpergian bersama teman atau keluarga, pernahkah anda mengisi formulir survey atau ditanya oleh seseorang tentang produk yang mereka jual. Seperti itulah jenis pekerjaan yang ditawarkan oleh perusahan yang mengadakan research surveys secara online. Untuk mendapatkan pengahasilan dari pekerjaan ini harus mendaftarkan diri dibeberapa perusahaan besar dunia yang biasanya berada di AS ataupun Inggris
Akan sangat menyenangkan jika hobby anda bisa memberikan pemasukan yang lumayan besar. Karena pada umumnya seorang pembuat blog adalah orang yang mempunyai hobby menulis article atau menulis apa saja. Blog tersebut akan menghasilkan uang jika pembuat blog tersebut bisa bergabung bersama perusahaan, seperti google atau yang lainya. Atau articles yang anda buat bisa dijual kepada perusahaan publikasi secara online yang memang banyak mencari penulis lepas.
Ini adalah sebagian kecil contoh dari pekerjaan yang bisa anda lakukan darimana saja tanpa batasan waktu dan hanya membutuhkan computer, internet, juga kreatifitas anda. Pada umumnya pekerjaan yang disebutkan diatas adalah gratis, anda hanya perlu mendaftarkan diri kepada perusahaan yang menawarkan pekerjaan yang cocok dan mampu untuk anda lakukan.
Mungkin bagi sebagian dari anda hal ini “Online Income” adalah bukan hal yang baru lagi. Tapi bagian sebagian orang bisa jadi belum pernah mencoba atau bahkan belum tahu. Untuk mencari penghasilan dari internet kita bisa mencoba beberapa cara seperti ini contohnya:
Internet Classifieds, Pop up, Banner, dan semua hal tentang penawaran produk atau jasa yang anda lihat di internet, itulah yang dilakukan para internet marketer. Para internet marketing ini akan mendapatkan komisi atau bayaran dari setiap penjualan produk, yang berhasil dijual melalu iklan yang mereka tampilkan di internet. Bisa anda bayangkan berapa hasil yang mereka terima. Karena mereka akan mendapatkan komisi 30-50% dari harga barang yang mereka tawarkan kepada pengguna internet diseluruh dunia.
Apakah anda pernah bekerja sebagai administrative dan data entry, atau mungkin kemampuan mengetik anda 30-50wpm (kata per menit). Karena sebagai data entry baik itu online / offline anda akan melakukan pekerjaan mengetik dengan cepat dan tingkat akurasi rata-rata diatas 92%. Sejumlah perusahaan besar didunia sudah beberapa tahun belakangan ini membuka kesempatan ini secara online dan tidak masalah anda berada dinegara manapun selama anda bisa memenuhi akurasi dan batas waktu yang mereka tetapkan.
PAID SURVEYS (research surveys)
Ketika anda sedang berpergian bersama teman atau keluarga, pernahkah anda mengisi formulir survey atau ditanya oleh seseorang tentang produk yang mereka jual. Seperti itulah jenis pekerjaan yang ditawarkan oleh perusahan yang mengadakan research surveys secara online. Untuk mendapatkan pengahasilan dari pekerjaan ini harus mendaftarkan diri dibeberapa perusahaan besar dunia yang biasanya berada di AS ataupun Inggris
Akan sangat menyenangkan jika hobby anda bisa memberikan pemasukan yang lumayan besar. Karena pada umumnya seorang pembuat blog adalah orang yang mempunyai hobby menulis article atau menulis apa saja. Blog tersebut akan menghasilkan uang jika pembuat blog tersebut bisa bergabung bersama perusahaan, seperti google atau yang lainya. Atau articles yang anda buat bisa dijual kepada perusahaan publikasi secara online yang memang banyak mencari penulis lepas.
Ini adalah sebagian kecil contoh dari pekerjaan yang bisa anda lakukan darimana saja tanpa batasan waktu dan hanya membutuhkan computer, internet, juga kreatifitas anda. Pada umumnya pekerjaan yang disebutkan diatas adalah gratis, anda hanya perlu mendaftarkan diri kepada perusahaan yang menawarkan pekerjaan yang cocok dan mampu untuk anda lakukan.
Tips merubah kedudukan dari Karyawan menjadi Pebisnis
Di bawah ini beberapa tahap dalam mengubah diri dari self employee (disebut kuadran S) menjadi Business Owner (disebut kuadran B).
Mulailah membangun sistem. Sebagai contoh buat prosedur-prosedur mulai dari bagaimana cara mengurus keuangan, pelayanan, cara mencukur, tata letak, dan sebagainya yang berhubungan dengan jasa mencukur.
Buatlah tim, dengan kata lain ialah dengan merekrut karyawan. Kemudian latihlah dia dengan sistem yang sudah dibuat sehingga bisnis bisa berjalan tanpa kehadiran kita.
Setelah langkah kedua sudah bisa dilalui maka dia boleh dibilang pebisnis (kuadran B).
Selanjutnya adalah membuat Visi. Mengapa harus ada visi, yaitu sebagai acuan pengembangan sebuah bisnis. Dengan adanya visi, perkembangan bisnis menjadi ada arahnya, tidak asal jalan sehingga tidak berkembang.
Contoh lain visi, ialah visi Henry Ford, yaitu tersedia mobil murah yang bisa dinikmati oleh keluarga-keluarga Amerika, kini visi tersebut sudah menjadi kenyataan
Mulailah membangun sistem. Sebagai contoh buat prosedur-prosedur mulai dari bagaimana cara mengurus keuangan, pelayanan, cara mencukur, tata letak, dan sebagainya yang berhubungan dengan jasa mencukur.
Buatlah tim, dengan kata lain ialah dengan merekrut karyawan. Kemudian latihlah dia dengan sistem yang sudah dibuat sehingga bisnis bisa berjalan tanpa kehadiran kita.
Setelah langkah kedua sudah bisa dilalui maka dia boleh dibilang pebisnis (kuadran B).
Selanjutnya adalah membuat Visi. Mengapa harus ada visi, yaitu sebagai acuan pengembangan sebuah bisnis. Dengan adanya visi, perkembangan bisnis menjadi ada arahnya, tidak asal jalan sehingga tidak berkembang.
Contoh lain visi, ialah visi Henry Ford, yaitu tersedia mobil murah yang bisa dinikmati oleh keluarga-keluarga Amerika, kini visi tersebut sudah menjadi kenyataan
Tips & Trik Berpromosi Online
Berpromosi di Internet merupakan hal yang gampang - gampang susah, banyak mereka yang mengatakan bahwa berpromosi adalah hal yang paling membosankan. Mereka perpendapat sepeti itu karena mereka belum mengetahui bahwa berpromosi adalah hal yang paling menyenangkan apabila mereka tahu caranya. Modal pertama yang anda butuhkan untuk berpromosi adalah ketekunan dan selalu fokus pada setiap masalah dan jangan pernah menyepelekan hal kecil yang bisa anda lakukan karena banyak orang yang gagal akibat mereka tidak memperdulikan hal - hal kecil disekitar mereka. Anda dapat memulai berpromosi secara gratis di iklan baris atau dengan bergabung di milis / forum.
Tips : Yang perlu anda perhatikan apabila berpromosi menggunakan iklan baris adalah sifat iklan baris yang akan menghapus iklan anda setelah 4 jam, untuk mengatasi hal itu anda sebaiknya berpromosi secara berkala. Hal ini juga akan menghemat waktu anda berpromosi, bayangkan berapa waktu yang anda butuhkan jika anda membombardir suatu situs iklan baris dengan begitu banyak iklan dalam satu waktu ? bisa sampai 2 jam...bandingkan jika anda memasang 3 iklan yang membutuhkan waktu sekitar 10 menit dan anda lakukan 6 kali dalam 1 hari jadi anda hanya memerlukan 1 jam perhari untuk berpromosi dengan memasang 18 iklan. Hal ini lebih efektif dari pada membombardir situs iklan baris dalam satu waktu.
Trik : Anda dapat memangkas waktu anda dengan menggunakan layanan dari karena situs ini menyediakan layanan untuk mengirim iklan ke bebarapa situs iklan baris dengan cara yang mudah.
Selalu fokus dan tidak pernah bosan adalah kunci kesuksesan berpromosi dan ingatlah bahwa semua yang anda lakukan butuh waktu untuk mencapai kesuksesan karena tidak ada hal yang instant dalam berpromosi.
Tips : Yang perlu anda perhatikan apabila berpromosi menggunakan iklan baris adalah sifat iklan baris yang akan menghapus iklan anda setelah 4 jam, untuk mengatasi hal itu anda sebaiknya berpromosi secara berkala. Hal ini juga akan menghemat waktu anda berpromosi, bayangkan berapa waktu yang anda butuhkan jika anda membombardir suatu situs iklan baris dengan begitu banyak iklan dalam satu waktu ? bisa sampai 2 jam...bandingkan jika anda memasang 3 iklan yang membutuhkan waktu sekitar 10 menit dan anda lakukan 6 kali dalam 1 hari jadi anda hanya memerlukan 1 jam perhari untuk berpromosi dengan memasang 18 iklan. Hal ini lebih efektif dari pada membombardir situs iklan baris dalam satu waktu.
Trik : Anda dapat memangkas waktu anda dengan menggunakan layanan dari karena situs ini menyediakan layanan untuk mengirim iklan ke bebarapa situs iklan baris dengan cara yang mudah.
Selalu fokus dan tidak pernah bosan adalah kunci kesuksesan berpromosi dan ingatlah bahwa semua yang anda lakukan butuh waktu untuk mencapai kesuksesan karena tidak ada hal yang instant dalam berpromosi.
Tips Perawatan Komputer
Tips-Tips Perawatan Komputer Ada beberapa tips yeng perlu diperhatikan sehubungan dengan penggunaan komputer agar lebih aman dan awet diantaranya adalah :
1. Sediakan UPS, Sering kali tegangan listrik turun-naik atau bahkan mati tiba-tiba akan berdampak kurang baik pada PC , terutama PC yang sudah lama, akan mengakibatkan rusaknya Power Supply, rusaknya Hardisk, bahkan Morherboard.
Terutama hardisk, hardisk perlu kesetabilan saat bekerja, bila tiba-tiba listrik mati terjadilah kejutan yang bisa menyebabkan tergoresnya track tecordingnya maka timbulah bad sector, bad sector hanya bisa dilihat jika kita check lewat scandisk. bad sector tidak bisa di isi file untuk operasional system maupun menyimpan data, sehingga akan mengurangi kapasitas hardisk itu sendiri. Karena itu di usahakan agar disediakan UPS atau External battery sebagai pengaman bila terjadi mati lampu maka komputer tetap hidup untuk beberapa waktu, sehingga masih ada kesempatan untuk mematikan komputer sesuai prosedur.
2. Stavolt, Untuk UPS yang sudah termasuk stavolt (penstabil naik-turun tegangan) tidak bermasalah, tetapi yang tidak termasuk stavolt di dalamnya maka lebih baik disediakan stavolt tambahan sebagai stabilizer, sehingga walau tegangan listrik naik-turun pun, tidak mengganggu keamanan komputer sendiri. 3. Bersihkan dari debu, biasanya CPU tower di taruh di samping meja user, di letakan dilantai sehingga kemungkinan masuknya debu kedalam CPU besar sekali, Debu sebagai penghantar panas, sehingga apa bila komponen CPU , misalnya Prosesor, walau tersembunyi debu bisa masuk juga, memori/ RAM sering kali kena debu, dan kerja komputer jadi ngadat, hang atau bahkan komputer tidak bisa dinyalakan timbul suara beep…. maka check dan segera bersihkan lah kompenen tersebut , pasang kembali dan nyalakan. 4. Hindari kena Air, tidak menutup kemungkinan keyboard tersiram air minum. Pernah kejadian keyboard saya kena air tanpa sengaja, akhirnya terjadilah konseleting pada lempegan di dalam keyboard , walau sudah dibersihkan dan dijemur sekalipun tidak bisa diperbaiki, sehingga perlu ganti baru. 5. Voltase, Untuk di Indonesia voltase memakai 220 volt, tapi untuk komputer produk Jepang masih 110 volt, sehingga bila menyalakan komputer produk Jepang, jangan lupa sediakan adapter untuk menurunkan voltase dari 220 ke110 volt. kalau tidak wah….kebakar pasti!… 6. Sengatan petir, untuk daerah rawan petir, terutama jaringan komputer yang terhubung menara yang tidak dilengkapi penangkal petir, berbahaya bila terkena petir akan merembet keseluruh jaringan. karena itu sediakan penangkal petir lebih baik. 7. Jauhkan dari medan magnetik, medan magnetik bisa mengganggu performa CPU juga monitor. 8. Demi keamanan data serta system komputer, Pasrikan sudah ada Antivirus dan selalu di update. 9. Pastikan pula ada program utilities tambahan untuk menghapus sisa registry dan sampah dari internet(cokies)
1. Sediakan UPS, Sering kali tegangan listrik turun-naik atau bahkan mati tiba-tiba akan berdampak kurang baik pada PC , terutama PC yang sudah lama, akan mengakibatkan rusaknya Power Supply, rusaknya Hardisk, bahkan Morherboard.
Terutama hardisk, hardisk perlu kesetabilan saat bekerja, bila tiba-tiba listrik mati terjadilah kejutan yang bisa menyebabkan tergoresnya track tecordingnya maka timbulah bad sector, bad sector hanya bisa dilihat jika kita check lewat scandisk. bad sector tidak bisa di isi file untuk operasional system maupun menyimpan data, sehingga akan mengurangi kapasitas hardisk itu sendiri. Karena itu di usahakan agar disediakan UPS atau External battery sebagai pengaman bila terjadi mati lampu maka komputer tetap hidup untuk beberapa waktu, sehingga masih ada kesempatan untuk mematikan komputer sesuai prosedur.
2. Stavolt, Untuk UPS yang sudah termasuk stavolt (penstabil naik-turun tegangan) tidak bermasalah, tetapi yang tidak termasuk stavolt di dalamnya maka lebih baik disediakan stavolt tambahan sebagai stabilizer, sehingga walau tegangan listrik naik-turun pun, tidak mengganggu keamanan komputer sendiri. 3. Bersihkan dari debu, biasanya CPU tower di taruh di samping meja user, di letakan dilantai sehingga kemungkinan masuknya debu kedalam CPU besar sekali, Debu sebagai penghantar panas, sehingga apa bila komponen CPU , misalnya Prosesor, walau tersembunyi debu bisa masuk juga, memori/ RAM sering kali kena debu, dan kerja komputer jadi ngadat, hang atau bahkan komputer tidak bisa dinyalakan timbul suara beep…. maka check dan segera bersihkan lah kompenen tersebut , pasang kembali dan nyalakan. 4. Hindari kena Air, tidak menutup kemungkinan keyboard tersiram air minum. Pernah kejadian keyboard saya kena air tanpa sengaja, akhirnya terjadilah konseleting pada lempegan di dalam keyboard , walau sudah dibersihkan dan dijemur sekalipun tidak bisa diperbaiki, sehingga perlu ganti baru. 5. Voltase, Untuk di Indonesia voltase memakai 220 volt, tapi untuk komputer produk Jepang masih 110 volt, sehingga bila menyalakan komputer produk Jepang, jangan lupa sediakan adapter untuk menurunkan voltase dari 220 ke110 volt. kalau tidak wah….kebakar pasti!… 6. Sengatan petir, untuk daerah rawan petir, terutama jaringan komputer yang terhubung menara yang tidak dilengkapi penangkal petir, berbahaya bila terkena petir akan merembet keseluruh jaringan. karena itu sediakan penangkal petir lebih baik. 7. Jauhkan dari medan magnetik, medan magnetik bisa mengganggu performa CPU juga monitor. 8. Demi keamanan data serta system komputer, Pasrikan sudah ada Antivirus dan selalu di update. 9. Pastikan pula ada program utilities tambahan untuk menghapus sisa registry dan sampah dari internet(cokies)
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Tips Memilih Kamera Digital
Ada berbagai macam jenis kamera digital, juga pilihan fitur yang membingungkan. Mana yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita? Memilih kamera sebenarnya gampang-gampang susah, terutama bagi pengguna yang masuk kategori pemula. Berikut beberapa tips sebelum membeli kamera difital : Pilih kamera yang punya fitur menstabilkan gambar, agar saat memotret objek bergerak hasilnya bisa tetap focus. AF autofocus, ISO, Shooting mode manual / automatic, directprint juga merupakan fitur-fitur yang penting. Semakin besar resolusi maka kamera akan memproduksi foto yang lebih baik, terutama untuk ukuran yang besar. Perhatikan titik focus. Semakin banyak titik focus anda bisa bereksperimen mengambil objek dari berbagai angle. Perhatikan fitur sensor gambar (meliputi prosesor CCD/CMOS), yang akan membantu kinerja kamera, agar menghasilkan gambar dengan kualitas superior, bersih, sekaligus mengoptimalkan setting kanera saat digunakan. Kemampuan optical zoom lebih penting ketimbang digital zoom Pastikan layer LCD tidak terlalu kecil, sehingga gambar bisa tampil maksimal Cermati aksesorisnya, Flash berguna jika gambar yang diambil dalam kondisi agak gelap. Lensa tele untuk mengambil gambar jarak jauh & memori tambahan. Pilih bentuk desain kamera yang nyaman dipegang atau digunakan Bandingkan harga dan pastikan bergaransi.
Tips Singkat Bikin Proposal
Penawaran kerjasama yang akan anda lakukan seringkali harus berawal dari sebuah proposal. Untuk itu sebuah proposal harus dibuat dengan menarik dan seefektif mungkin agar proposal anda diterima dan dapat terealisasi dalam bentuk kerjasama yang sesungguhnya. Tentu saja membuat proposal tidak seperti menulis surat resmi biasa. Ada hal-hal khusus yang harus anda perhatikan. Bagi anda yang ingin membuat proposal simak deh tips singkat ini. Ingat, pembuatan proposal lebih baik dilakukan oleh anda yang menguasai dan memahami masalah. Karena proposal bukan produk khayalan atau fiktif. Tetapi proposal merupakan produk ?real? yang dibuat berdasarkan gagasan, data dan prediksi yang rasional. Proposal juga harus ditunjang oleh pesan yang optimis dan landasan yang idealis. Meski idealis, agar proposal anda diterima atau setidaknya dipertimbangkan pilihlah kata-kata yang sedikit merayu. Tapi tentu saja tanpa mengurangi keresmian proposal tersebut. Selain itu, karena berisi gagasan maka proposal lebih bagus lagi jika dilampiri oleh berbagai dokumen pendukung. Susunan proposal yang lazim terdiri dari: pendahuluan, maksud dan tujuan, anggaran dasar, waktu pelaksanaan, nama program, tinjauan umum dan khusus program, factor pendukung teknis, sumber dana, sumber daya manusia, pemakaian dana, lampiran, dan catatan khusus. Jangan lupa, meski bersifat resmi kemasan proposal harus disusun secara istimewa agar pihak penerima proposal tertarik untuk membacanya. Dan tentu saja dalam proposal yang anda buat harus dicantumkan nama lembaga dan orang yang bertanggung jawab atas diterbitkannya proposal tersebut. Karena tanda tangan dan cap resmi memang diperlukan untuk legitimasi sebuah proposal. So, yang mau bikin proposal, nggak sulit kan?
Tips Cerdas & Taktis Menjawab Pertanyaan Wawancara
Meski anda merasa pintar dan brilian, jangan keburu yakin bahwa semua pintu perusahaan akan terbuka secara otomatis untuk anda. Sebab kenyataannya, banyak orang yang secara intelek pintar, tetapi seringkali gagal dalam wawancara. Alasannya adalah tidak smart dan taktis dalam menjawab pertanyaan saat wawancara. Berikut ini kami berikan beberapa pertanyaan yang kerap muncul dalam wawancara disertai jawaban yang dianjurkan. Ceritakan tentang diri anda. Sampaikan saja biografi singkat. Anda harus tahu harus mulai dari mana dan berakhir dimana. Fokuskan jawaban pada hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan bidang usaha perusahaan tersebut. Mengapa anda ingin pindah kerja Kalau anda punya alas an yang baik dan sangat positif, jangan ragu untuk menyampaikannya. Pastikan jawaban yang diberikan telah dipikir matang. Apa yang anda ketahui tentang kami Pelajari secara cermat segala sesuatu tentang perusahaan yang anda tuju. Jawaban yang diberikan sepenuhnya tergantung dari apa yang anda ketahui. Apa pengalaman anda dalam bidang ini Cobalah menjawab hubungan yang pas antara pengalaman anda dengan perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Apa yang paling anda sukai dan tidak sukai dari pekerjaan sekarang Sebisa mungkin hindari sisi negative. Cara aman, jawablah keduanya dengan mengatakan “ Saya sangat menyukai pekerjaan saya “. Berapa gaji anda sekarang dan berapa yang diharapkan Pisahkan pertanyaan pertama dan kedua. Sebutkan gaji anda berikut tanggung jawab pekerjaan. Langkah kedua, hindari menyebut angka yang terlalu tinggi atau terlampau rendah. Apa yang anda harapkan dari pekerjaan ini Katakan anda ingin meningkatkan kontribusi pada perusahaan, menambah efisiensi kerja dan memberi kepuasan bagi diri sendiri maupun perusahaan. Mengapa saya harus menerima anda Berilah jawaban singkat namun padat tentang pekerjaan dan kemampuan anda. Sebutkan kemahiran anda, lalu cocokkan dengan perusahaan tersebut.
Petunjuk Dasar dan Tips Membuat Alamat Email
Email atau E-mail adalah Electronic Mail atau Surat Elektronik yang memungkinkan kita untuk mengirim dan menerima pesan secara elektronik ke segala penjuru dunia yang memiliki jaringan internet. Dengan email maka kita dapat mengirim pesan dan orang yang menerima email kita dapat menerima email kita dalam waktu yang hampir bersamaan. Dengan demikian email lebih efisien daripada berkirim pesan dengan metode konvensional seperti berkirim surat melalui pos atau kurir yang membutuhkan waktu mulai dari beberapa jam hingga berminggu-minggu atau bahkan hingga berbulan-bulan. Selain itu dengan metode konvensional membutuhkan biaya dan tenaga yang tidak sedikit pula. Pada dasarnya untuk mengirim email dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, namun yang paling mudah adalah menggunakan web-based email di mana kita tinggal mendaftar pada email provider, login dan setelah itu kita bisa mengirim dan menerima email sesuka hati kita. Selain email berbasis web juga terdapat metode imap, pop3 dan smtp dengan protokol yang berbeda. Metode tersebut cukup rumit untuk pemula, sehingga disarankan untuk menggunakan layanan email berbasis web yang cukup mudah penggunaannya. Untuk mendapatkan alamat email berbasis web, anda dapat mengunjungi beberapa penyedia layanan email gratis yang banyak terdapat di internet, namun amat sangat disarankan untuk menggunakan layanan email dari provider yang besar dan sudah lama beroperasi, karena akan menjamin bahwa anda akan dapat terus-menerus menggunakan email anda tanpa masalah. Sangat disarankan untuk membuka account email anda di Yahoo, Gmail atau Hotmail. Ketiga provider tersebut sudah termasuk provider yang dapat dipercaya akan terus-menerus memberikan layanan email gratis sampai batas waktu yang tidak terbatas. Sebaiknya anda tidak hanya membuat satu account email saja, tetapi membuat beberapa email dengan password yang berbeda-beda sebagai email cadangan dan tempat konfirmasi apabila anda lupa password. Pastikan anda memilih salah satu email sebagai email yang anda gunakan dan disebarkan untuk berbagai keperluan. Sedangkan sisanya digunakan sebagai email alternatif apabila diperlukan. Jangan lupa untuk login ke dalam account email anda secara berkala agar email anda terus aktif, karena account email gratis akan ditutup secara otomatis apabila tidak dikunjungi untuk jangka waktu tertentu, namun dapat diaktifkan kembali jika anda menginginkannya. Sebagai tambahan saya menyarankan anda untuk menggunakan email dari yahoo, karena yahoo tidak hanya memberikan e-mail saja, namun juga fitur lainnya seperti yahoo messanger, web hosting, file hosting, photo hosting, mailing list, games, dan lain sebagainya. Kemudian untuk mengamankan email anda dari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan sebaiknya anda juga membaca Tips Mengamankan Email Account Anda.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Microsoft Antivirus Top 3 In Detection Of New Malware

Microsoft Security Essentials 1.0, the Redmond-based company’s free basic offering for customers running genuine Windows platforms is one of the best security solutions available on the market, according to tests performed by AV-Comparatives. The tests, which are designed to assess the proactive detection capabilities of a range of antivirus products, reveal that Microsoft Security Essentials manages to outperform many of its rivals, including paid products.
AV-Comparatives froze the product’s updates on February 10, 2010 and evaluated the antivirus with malware samples, which appeared between February 11 and 18. The purpose of the assessment was to see how various security solutions would manage to fight malicious code that they didn’t have viral signatures for. AV-Comparatives underlines that only the on-demand detection capabilities of the various AV products were tested.
Microsoft Security Essentials 1.0, formerly codenamed Morro, succeeded in detecting no less than 59% of the malware samples thrown at it. Only three security solutions did better, TrustPort Antivirus 2010 with a 63% detection rate, Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 also with 63%, and G DATA AntiVirus 2010 with 61%. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 detected 59% of the new samples of malicious code, just like MSE.
“Most products are able to detect a quantity of completely new/unknown malware proactively even without executing the malware, using passive heuristics, while other protective mechanisms like HIPS, behavior analysis and behavior blockers, etc. add an extra layer of protection. We tried to include in the test-set only prevalent real-world malware that has not been seen before the 10th February 2010 by consulting telemetry/cloud data collected and shared within the AV industry,” AV-Comparatives stated.

While Microsoft Security Essentials was outperformed by three rivals in terms of the amount of samples it managed to detect, the free AV from Microsoft bested AVIRA AntiVir Premium 9 (53% detection rate), ESET NOD32 Anti-Virus 4.0 and F-Secure Anti-Virus 2010 (both with 52% detection rate), BitDefender Antivirus 2010 (50%), Symantec Norton Anti-Virus 2010 (43%), McAfee AntiVirus Plus 2010 (38%), AVG Anti-Virus 9.0 (34%), Sophos Anti-Virus 9.0 (32%), avast! Free Antivirus 5.0 (29%), etc.
But Microsoft Security Essentials 1.0 truly shines when it comes down to the low number of false positives. MSE 1.0 mistook no more than three legitimate samples for malware, just as BitDefender and ESET, while products from Panda and McAfee reported over 15 false positives.
Download FREE Microsoft Security Essentials via Official Website
But Microsoft Security Essentials 1.0 truly shines when it comes down to the low number of false positives. MSE 1.0 mistook no more than three legitimate samples for malware, just as BitDefender and ESET, while products from Panda and McAfee reported over 15 false positives.
Download FREE Microsoft Security Essentials via Official Website
Xbox Stands Out Among Gaming Consoles
Why should anyone choose the Xbox 360 over the other competing game consoles of the day? It's more advanced than some but boasts fewer benefits than others. It also happens to be the oldest of what is now considered the holy trinity of gaming consoles: The Wii, the Xbox and the Playstation. With all that choice out there, what makes this, the older one-by a whopping year and a bit-the one worth choosing?
Microsoft beat Sony to the next level of gaming by pushing up the Xbox 360 launch date by almost a full year. This push could have been a vast mistake, had the 360 been riddled with the problems of its predecessor the Xbox. The Xbox's complications and bugs are understandable, as it was Microsoft's first attempt at a gaming console. Bear in mind that Microsoft, at that time, was a software/hardware designer for personal computers...not gaming systems.
The Nintendo Wii, released long after the 360, has sold roughly two thirds as many units worldwide than Microsoft's console was able to sell. As for the third outing for the Playstation brand, well that's just embarrassing just about everybody. Either way, Microsoft and Sony keep referring to each other as competition but claim the Wii isn't something they consider competition. That means Microsoft gets to brag about being the best. But how is that so? The Xbox 360 is a gaming console and the Wii is a gaming console. How do these things not count as competition?
It's been pointed out time and again that gamers who own a Nintendo Wii will often own either an Xbox or a Playstation to go along with it. This is pointed out to underscore the fact that the Wii doesn't meet all the needs of a gamer; however, it could be argued that the opposite is also true.
Microsoft has said time and again that their Xbox 360, like the PS 3, goes after a demographic that is more into gaming, as they say. Their demographic is one made up of hardcore gamers who want the best graphics, the best sound, and the most action packed games. The Wii on the other hand apparently doesn't want that demographic, but instead wants the families who aren't necessarily into gaming much themselves.
Whether it was the fault of the Wii or the fact that people just didn't want it, the PS 3 didn't sell well. This means less people are using it which means a lot of the gaming experience that the Xbox 360 and PS 3 are built around are simply better with the former. With the online gaming world, for instance, would you rather play the games amongst a fan base of 30 million people with the Xbox, or less than 15 million with the PS 3?
Until there comes a time when there is a clear-cut, winning console in the gaming world, there is always going to be personal opinions as to what machine is better. It may be just a slight difference of better suited controllers or it might be the colors that encase the machine. Any way you look at it, gaming comes down to a choice.
Microsoft beat Sony to the next level of gaming by pushing up the Xbox 360 launch date by almost a full year. This push could have been a vast mistake, had the 360 been riddled with the problems of its predecessor the Xbox. The Xbox's complications and bugs are understandable, as it was Microsoft's first attempt at a gaming console. Bear in mind that Microsoft, at that time, was a software/hardware designer for personal computers...not gaming systems.
The Nintendo Wii, released long after the 360, has sold roughly two thirds as many units worldwide than Microsoft's console was able to sell. As for the third outing for the Playstation brand, well that's just embarrassing just about everybody. Either way, Microsoft and Sony keep referring to each other as competition but claim the Wii isn't something they consider competition. That means Microsoft gets to brag about being the best. But how is that so? The Xbox 360 is a gaming console and the Wii is a gaming console. How do these things not count as competition?
It's been pointed out time and again that gamers who own a Nintendo Wii will often own either an Xbox or a Playstation to go along with it. This is pointed out to underscore the fact that the Wii doesn't meet all the needs of a gamer; however, it could be argued that the opposite is also true.
Microsoft has said time and again that their Xbox 360, like the PS 3, goes after a demographic that is more into gaming, as they say. Their demographic is one made up of hardcore gamers who want the best graphics, the best sound, and the most action packed games. The Wii on the other hand apparently doesn't want that demographic, but instead wants the families who aren't necessarily into gaming much themselves.
Whether it was the fault of the Wii or the fact that people just didn't want it, the PS 3 didn't sell well. This means less people are using it which means a lot of the gaming experience that the Xbox 360 and PS 3 are built around are simply better with the former. With the online gaming world, for instance, would you rather play the games amongst a fan base of 30 million people with the Xbox, or less than 15 million with the PS 3?
Until there comes a time when there is a clear-cut, winning console in the gaming world, there is always going to be personal opinions as to what machine is better. It may be just a slight difference of better suited controllers or it might be the colors that encase the machine. Any way you look at it, gaming comes down to a choice.
Why Dell Printers Are A Wonderful Choice
Dell printers are so wonderful because they offer such a variety in printing. They print out great crisp words and are good at not smearing. As well all know when printing this is a plus because it is hard to find a printer that is actually wonderful like a dell.
Dell has so many products it is hard to not own at least one. I personally own more than six and I enjoy every one of them. There are a lot of offices that I have been in that use dell printers and I was so astonished with their printing work that I had to go out and get one myself.
I ordered mine online and it was very cheap to ship. Dell comes out with new printers every year and I think this is wonderful because they are constantly upgrading their products and making them better for the consumer.
Dell is constantly coming out with new things each and every year and they are always trying to prefect the last thing they made with something that is better and more costly. They have recently come out with a printer that prints out pages in only eight and a half seconds.
Some of their printers will print out a lot faster and of course these will cost quite a bit more than the ones which are a little bit old. But if you do choose to get one of the new printers I am sure it will be worth the price because each one of the printers that come from Dell are not over priced even a cent.
Dell has made a new printer that preserves the ink cartridge and I think this is wonderful because a cartridge can cost a whole lot of money especially if you are doing a whole lot of printing. These printers can be used to print off pictures as well because they are such good quality it will almost look like you had the pictures done by a professional.
No matter if you are getting an office printer or just a home printer, you should try Dell printers. They really stand up with quality and they print very clear lettering and very clear pictures, even on regular paper. If you have not given Dell a chance then you should try one as soon as you are ready to purchase your own printer. And if your old printer is ready to break down and you know it is only a matter of time then you should take a little time to research the Dell brand printers and read some reviews, you will more than likely not be disappointed.
Dell has so many products it is hard to not own at least one. I personally own more than six and I enjoy every one of them. There are a lot of offices that I have been in that use dell printers and I was so astonished with their printing work that I had to go out and get one myself.
I ordered mine online and it was very cheap to ship. Dell comes out with new printers every year and I think this is wonderful because they are constantly upgrading their products and making them better for the consumer.
Dell is constantly coming out with new things each and every year and they are always trying to prefect the last thing they made with something that is better and more costly. They have recently come out with a printer that prints out pages in only eight and a half seconds.
Some of their printers will print out a lot faster and of course these will cost quite a bit more than the ones which are a little bit old. But if you do choose to get one of the new printers I am sure it will be worth the price because each one of the printers that come from Dell are not over priced even a cent.
Dell has made a new printer that preserves the ink cartridge and I think this is wonderful because a cartridge can cost a whole lot of money especially if you are doing a whole lot of printing. These printers can be used to print off pictures as well because they are such good quality it will almost look like you had the pictures done by a professional.
No matter if you are getting an office printer or just a home printer, you should try Dell printers. They really stand up with quality and they print very clear lettering and very clear pictures, even on regular paper. If you have not given Dell a chance then you should try one as soon as you are ready to purchase your own printer. And if your old printer is ready to break down and you know it is only a matter of time then you should take a little time to research the Dell brand printers and read some reviews, you will more than likely not be disappointed.
Digitech HDX1000 Network Media Tank NMT 1080p HD Media Player
In case you haven't heard about it yet, then allow me to introduce the HD Digitech HDX1000 Network Media Tank. The HDX 1000 NMT has been listed as one of the best media streamers of 2009. There are defnitely more pros than cons to this little player. This device comes with the option of adding your own serial ATA internal hard drive with an expansion slot, giving you the ability to add storage space to the device itself and take your media with you anywhere. You can give your computer a much needed rest from downloading, because the NMT HDX 1000 comes with support for Bittorrent. The latest in video and audio technology built right in, the HDX1000 will output video at up to 1080p and supports Dolby Digital TrueHD and DTS HD-HR as well as DTS HD-MA. You will know the socks off your friends and family.
HDX 1000 NMT Networked Media Tank Digitech HD Media Player
Price: $249.99 USD
The HDX1000 NMT HD Media Streamer can be connected by Ethernet cable, or with a wireless adapter (Model# TP-Link TL-WN821N) can stream your media through your home network. Connectivity is a breeze with Universal Plug N Play (Upnp) and DNLA Media Server support. The DNLA support will offer additional compatibility for your Xbox and PlayStation 3. You can also hook up to the slave USB port for direct copying of your media files from your computer. View your media in up to 1080p through the HDMI 1.3a port. One of the USB ports on the device is a slave port, allowing you to hook up a slave hard drive to copy files directly from your computer. The HDX 1000 network media player h264 gives you the ability not only play media files from your computer or external hard drive, but this digital media player also supports streaming internet video from sources such as Youtube, Veoh, and Google Video. The HDX 1000 also plays Dolby Digital TrueHD and DTS HD-HR and DTS HD-MA sound playback. These can be played back through the HDMI port or the digital optical output.
We've reviewed the Pros, now the cons. There aren't very many for the Digitech HDX 1000, but the biggest complaint seems to be centered around their text based graphic user interface. Users have found this menu system hard to navigate. Google has a free downloadable software program to answer this problem. It is called YAMJ Google Movie Jukebox and it will solve the menu problem for you. There is a video on how to install YAMJ on Youtube. Lastly, while there is no official instruction manual included with the player better yet there is an instructional wiki set up at that will help you with any problems. Overall this player is top of the line.
Here is an overview of the features:
Audio formats: Dolby(R)/DTS(TM) encoders, MP1, MP2, MP3, WAV, WMA, WMA-Pro, AAC, LPCM 5.1/7.1, FLAC, DTS, AC3 Video file formats: MPEG1/2/4 Elementary (M1V, M2V, M4V), MPEG1/2 PS (M2P, MPG), MPEG2 Transport Stream (TS, TP, TRP, M2T, M2TS, MTS), VOB, AVI, ASF, WMV, Matroska (MKV), MOV (H.264), MP4, RMP4 Photo formats: JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF Internet Connectivity: YouTube, Google Video, MetaCafe, VideoCast, DL.TV, Cranky Geeks, iPodcast, Radiobox, ABC News, Flickr, Picasa, RSS:Yahoo! Weather, Yahoo! Traffic alerts, Yahoo! Stock, Cinecast, Traffic Conditions. Shoutcast. Includes HDMI 1.3a port, Supporting up to True HD 1080p Includes expandable hard drive slot for future expansion for extra storage of movies, photos, and music Universal Plug-n-Play capability (UPnP) 3 USB ports for USB drives (1 is a slave USB for direct copy from PC) Connections: Video: HDMI v1.3a (up to 1080p), Component Video (up to 1080p), Composite Video (All Gold Plated) Audio Connections: Stereo Analog Audio (Gold Plated), S/PDIF Coaxial Digital Audio, Optical Digital Audio, Other: 10/100 Ethernet, Serial ATA (SATA) port. Remote Control Included
HDX 1000 NMT Networked Media Tank Digitech HD Media Player
Price: $249.99 USD
The HDX1000 NMT HD Media Streamer can be connected by Ethernet cable, or with a wireless adapter (Model# TP-Link TL-WN821N) can stream your media through your home network. Connectivity is a breeze with Universal Plug N Play (Upnp) and DNLA Media Server support. The DNLA support will offer additional compatibility for your Xbox and PlayStation 3. You can also hook up to the slave USB port for direct copying of your media files from your computer. View your media in up to 1080p through the HDMI 1.3a port. One of the USB ports on the device is a slave port, allowing you to hook up a slave hard drive to copy files directly from your computer. The HDX 1000 network media player h264 gives you the ability not only play media files from your computer or external hard drive, but this digital media player also supports streaming internet video from sources such as Youtube, Veoh, and Google Video. The HDX 1000 also plays Dolby Digital TrueHD and DTS HD-HR and DTS HD-MA sound playback. These can be played back through the HDMI port or the digital optical output.
We've reviewed the Pros, now the cons. There aren't very many for the Digitech HDX 1000, but the biggest complaint seems to be centered around their text based graphic user interface. Users have found this menu system hard to navigate. Google has a free downloadable software program to answer this problem. It is called YAMJ Google Movie Jukebox and it will solve the menu problem for you. There is a video on how to install YAMJ on Youtube. Lastly, while there is no official instruction manual included with the player better yet there is an instructional wiki set up at that will help you with any problems. Overall this player is top of the line.
Here is an overview of the features:
Audio formats: Dolby(R)/DTS(TM) encoders, MP1, MP2, MP3, WAV, WMA, WMA-Pro, AAC, LPCM 5.1/7.1, FLAC, DTS, AC3 Video file formats: MPEG1/2/4 Elementary (M1V, M2V, M4V), MPEG1/2 PS (M2P, MPG), MPEG2 Transport Stream (TS, TP, TRP, M2T, M2TS, MTS), VOB, AVI, ASF, WMV, Matroska (MKV), MOV (H.264), MP4, RMP4 Photo formats: JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF Internet Connectivity: YouTube, Google Video, MetaCafe, VideoCast, DL.TV, Cranky Geeks, iPodcast, Radiobox, ABC News, Flickr, Picasa, RSS:Yahoo! Weather, Yahoo! Traffic alerts, Yahoo! Stock, Cinecast, Traffic Conditions. Shoutcast. Includes HDMI 1.3a port, Supporting up to True HD 1080p Includes expandable hard drive slot for future expansion for extra storage of movies, photos, and music Universal Plug-n-Play capability (UPnP) 3 USB ports for USB drives (1 is a slave USB for direct copy from PC) Connections: Video: HDMI v1.3a (up to 1080p), Component Video (up to 1080p), Composite Video (All Gold Plated) Audio Connections: Stereo Analog Audio (Gold Plated), S/PDIF Coaxial Digital Audio, Optical Digital Audio, Other: 10/100 Ethernet, Serial ATA (SATA) port. Remote Control Included
Sony Ericsson Aino Excellent Specifications
You can expect more than a Slider mobile phone with 8MP camera, excellent sound quality and A-GPS with Google Maps and touchscreen control for your media functions with Sony Ericsson Aino.
The Sony Ericsson Aino is a slider phone that had an entire room excited when at release, it claimed to have the ability to playback content directly from your PS3. But alas, it's not the PSP phone; instead you get a very solid and heavily featured phone with the ability to access media anywhere.
While it's never going to win the plaudits of the Sony Ericsson Satio, the Aino (pronounced I-no) is a very nice phone in its own right, and manages to edge above being simply solid into 'impressive' territory.
The Aino uses a combination of a conventional alphanumeric keypad and a touchscreen. This is a good design form, but in this case the keypad does let it down somewhat. But the touchscreen is good. It's a nice bright display with 16 million colours and a larger than average resolution of 432 x 240 pixels, due to its lengthened aspect ratio. At 3 inches across, this is a good size screen for a compact phone. The touchscreen user interface is limited in functionality, with some functionality available only through the keypad, but what it does, it does well.
We like the Aino, but it's not perfect. Gripes include the keypad, the lack of a 3.5mm audio jack, and the general feeling of the phone being overpriced. Looking at the positives, you get a great looking phone with powerful multimedia features, remote Play support for your PS3, and plenty of extra accessories for your money.
Sony Ericsson Aino Features:
* 8 MP camera * Traditional keypad and touch User Interface * Media Home and Media Go easy to transfer all your multimedia * Remote Play with PLAYSTATION3 * Listen to music in amazing quality * Matching Wireless Stereo Headphone MH100 and desk stand charger EC100
Sony Aino is available in two colours Luminous White and Obsidian Black.
Sony Ericsson Aino Technical Specification:
* GSM / GPRS / EDGE (850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900) * UMTS / HSPA (900 / 2100) * 3.0? inch (432-240 pixels) Display * 8 megapixel camera with Auto Focus, face detection and touch focus * 55 MB internal Memory (Micro SD card slot) * Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g * a-GPS with Google Maps * Bluetooth with A2DP * FM Radio with RDS * Access NetFront Web Browser * 3D Games with Dedicated gaming keys * Email / Exchange ActiveSync support * 8.5 hours talktime on GSM and 4.5 hours talktime on 3G network * Weight - 134gm
Sony Ericsson Aino Price in India - 28,950/- Indian Rupee (INR) Or $615 USD
The Sony Ericsson Aino is a slider phone that had an entire room excited when at release, it claimed to have the ability to playback content directly from your PS3. But alas, it's not the PSP phone; instead you get a very solid and heavily featured phone with the ability to access media anywhere.
While it's never going to win the plaudits of the Sony Ericsson Satio, the Aino (pronounced I-no) is a very nice phone in its own right, and manages to edge above being simply solid into 'impressive' territory.
The Aino uses a combination of a conventional alphanumeric keypad and a touchscreen. This is a good design form, but in this case the keypad does let it down somewhat. But the touchscreen is good. It's a nice bright display with 16 million colours and a larger than average resolution of 432 x 240 pixels, due to its lengthened aspect ratio. At 3 inches across, this is a good size screen for a compact phone. The touchscreen user interface is limited in functionality, with some functionality available only through the keypad, but what it does, it does well.
We like the Aino, but it's not perfect. Gripes include the keypad, the lack of a 3.5mm audio jack, and the general feeling of the phone being overpriced. Looking at the positives, you get a great looking phone with powerful multimedia features, remote Play support for your PS3, and plenty of extra accessories for your money.
Sony Ericsson Aino Features:
* 8 MP camera * Traditional keypad and touch User Interface * Media Home and Media Go easy to transfer all your multimedia * Remote Play with PLAYSTATION3 * Listen to music in amazing quality * Matching Wireless Stereo Headphone MH100 and desk stand charger EC100
Sony Aino is available in two colours Luminous White and Obsidian Black.
Sony Ericsson Aino Technical Specification:
* GSM / GPRS / EDGE (850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900) * UMTS / HSPA (900 / 2100) * 3.0? inch (432-240 pixels) Display * 8 megapixel camera with Auto Focus, face detection and touch focus * 55 MB internal Memory (Micro SD card slot) * Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g * a-GPS with Google Maps * Bluetooth with A2DP * FM Radio with RDS * Access NetFront Web Browser * 3D Games with Dedicated gaming keys * Email / Exchange ActiveSync support * 8.5 hours talktime on GSM and 4.5 hours talktime on 3G network * Weight - 134gm
Sony Ericsson Aino Price in India - 28,950/- Indian Rupee (INR) Or $615 USD
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Features
At first glance, it looks like it was worth the wait. It's a very stylish handset. All touchscreen phones tend to look pretty much the same to be honest. What distinguishes the 5800 is its sleekness: it's much narrower than the iPhone 3G, in fact with a width of 52mm, it's probably the narrowest touchscreen phone around. This means that you can easily operate it with one hand. It has a lovely big screen too, with a very high resolution (640 x 360 pixels), which helps to make the user interface easier to use. The device has a wide range of input options: finger touch, stylus and plectrum with a virtual alphanumeric keypad, full and mini QWERTY keyboards and handwriting recognition. The display will rotate automatically when you turn the phone to landscape mode.
Nokia 5800 Features and Specs
* 8GB Micro SD Card you can Extend upto 16GB for all your music collection
* Store upto 6000 tracks in your nokia 5800
* 3.2 inch (640360 and 16:9 aspect ratio) touchscreen little smaller to iphone 3.5 inch
* 3.2 MP Camera- Carl Zeiss Optics with 3x Digital Zoom
* Symbian S60 5th Edition
* 3.5mm jack
* You Can record DVD quality Videos 30fps
* 3.5G
* Wi-Fi
* Bluetooth
* Stereo FM with RDS
Nokia 5800 Music
Nokia 5800 Supported Accessories
Nokia 5800 supported accessories
Nokia 5800 Price in India - Rs.13,800 Indian Rupee (INR) Or $294 USD
The display is relatively responsive; you can use your finger or the included stylus. However, it's a little confusing in that some items respond to a single tap, while some require double taps. There were times where we'd be waiting for a few seconds for an application to launch only to realize that we had to tap it again, so it'd be nice to have a more unified system. Items opened quickly when we selected them and we didn't have to press too hard on the display. Scrolling through long lists takes some acclimation--you have to use a narrow scroll bar on the left side--but we got used to it. But like most other touch-screen phones, scrolling is not quite as fluid as on the iPhone. You can adjust the calibration and have a host of choices for the handwriting option. The display has vibration feedback, but the intensity is not customizable.
The 5800 offers several ways to type messages. The full QWERTY keyboard takes full advantage of the 5800's display. It should be spacious enough for most users; just be aware that the space for composing your message is rather small. There's a separate keyboard for numbers and symbols, and you can switch language alphabets and writing languages at the touch of a button. You'll also find dedicated shift keys, a large space bar, and back and return controls. You can scroll through text you've already written by tapping the chosen area on the display.
Nokia 5800 Features and Specs
* 8GB Micro SD Card you can Extend upto 16GB for all your music collection
* Store upto 6000 tracks in your nokia 5800
* 3.2 inch (640360 and 16:9 aspect ratio) touchscreen little smaller to iphone 3.5 inch
* 3.2 MP Camera- Carl Zeiss Optics with 3x Digital Zoom
* Symbian S60 5th Edition
* 3.5mm jack
* You Can record DVD quality Videos 30fps
* 3.5G
* Wi-Fi
* Bluetooth
* Stereo FM with RDS
Nokia 5800 Music
Nokia 5800 Supported Accessories
Nokia 5800 supported accessories
Nokia 5800 Price in India - Rs.13,800 Indian Rupee (INR) Or $294 USD
The display is relatively responsive; you can use your finger or the included stylus. However, it's a little confusing in that some items respond to a single tap, while some require double taps. There were times where we'd be waiting for a few seconds for an application to launch only to realize that we had to tap it again, so it'd be nice to have a more unified system. Items opened quickly when we selected them and we didn't have to press too hard on the display. Scrolling through long lists takes some acclimation--you have to use a narrow scroll bar on the left side--but we got used to it. But like most other touch-screen phones, scrolling is not quite as fluid as on the iPhone. You can adjust the calibration and have a host of choices for the handwriting option. The display has vibration feedback, but the intensity is not customizable.
The 5800 offers several ways to type messages. The full QWERTY keyboard takes full advantage of the 5800's display. It should be spacious enough for most users; just be aware that the space for composing your message is rather small. There's a separate keyboard for numbers and symbols, and you can switch language alphabets and writing languages at the touch of a button. You'll also find dedicated shift keys, a large space bar, and back and return controls. You can scroll through text you've already written by tapping the chosen area on the display.
Acer F900 Features
Since the beginning of written history, there have always been people or entities trying to conquer the world and smartphones make for a genuine "threat". A growing number of surveys indicate that smartphones are becoming increasingly widespread and the trend is to accelerate in the coming years. In this train of thought, it can be expected that manufacturers that haven't come up with their own smart devices yet will try luck. Acer makes for an illustrative example. Their Windows Mobile handsets didn't take long to roll out after the company took over Eten and now the rumor has it that Android-based cell phones are to follow soon.
Acer F900 Features & Specification
Acer F900 Features & Specification
Acer F900 Price in India - Rs. 24,500/- Indian Rupee (INR) Or $521 USD
The large 3.8" display is good, and 800 x 480 pixels gives you plenty of room for web browsing. It's reasonably responsive to touch and you'll get away with using your fingers or at least your fingernails for most applications. One bug bear with the screen is that it is extremely glossy, which is pretty much the norm for handsets now, but it's performance in strong sunlight is poor, you'll find yourself angling the screen to be able to see it properly. Probably not such a big deal as we only have about 3 days of sun each year in the UK but more important elsewhere perhaps.
The Acer F900 has surprised me in many different ways so far and is almost unique in certain aspects of how it runs. I will try to explain the good and bad below because this is a perplexing smartphone which does some things very well and others not so. The interesting thing is that the not so good parts can be easily fixed and the good parts will be there forever...
I like the feel of the phone, and the interface. It is slow at responding to some tasks but I think this is down to the the UI and the amount of memory available to run the software, but at the price and with all the features this phone comes with, I think it's definitely good value for money! The F900 is one of Acer's best efforts so far, now I wonder what they can do with the neoTouch!? In response to a Windows Mobile 6.5, it looks like people have managed to upgrade it with 'cooked ROMs', but not via an official update from Acer, so far.
Acer F900 Features & Specification
Acer F900 Features & Specification
Acer F900 Price in India - Rs. 24,500/- Indian Rupee (INR) Or $521 USD
The large 3.8" display is good, and 800 x 480 pixels gives you plenty of room for web browsing. It's reasonably responsive to touch and you'll get away with using your fingers or at least your fingernails for most applications. One bug bear with the screen is that it is extremely glossy, which is pretty much the norm for handsets now, but it's performance in strong sunlight is poor, you'll find yourself angling the screen to be able to see it properly. Probably not such a big deal as we only have about 3 days of sun each year in the UK but more important elsewhere perhaps.
The Acer F900 has surprised me in many different ways so far and is almost unique in certain aspects of how it runs. I will try to explain the good and bad below because this is a perplexing smartphone which does some things very well and others not so. The interesting thing is that the not so good parts can be easily fixed and the good parts will be there forever...
I like the feel of the phone, and the interface. It is slow at responding to some tasks but I think this is down to the the UI and the amount of memory available to run the software, but at the price and with all the features this phone comes with, I think it's definitely good value for money! The F900 is one of Acer's best efforts so far, now I wonder what they can do with the neoTouch!? In response to a Windows Mobile 6.5, it looks like people have managed to upgrade it with 'cooked ROMs', but not via an official update from Acer, so far.
Learn LCD Monitor Repair From Home With Professional Instructor
Because the majority of computer users today use LCD monitors, should you pay the money to repair it when it needs repair? Most LCD monitors last about five to seven years.
You know that there are times the cost of fixing an LCD monitor costs more than buying a new one. You can save a lot of money by learning how the LCD Monitor works and what can go wrong even if you dont want to repair the monitor yourself.
If you can repair it yourself, you will be able to do what is required for a fraction of the cost that would be charged by a repair center. It makes sense to repair an older monitor.
LCD monitor repair can be very confusing if you do not have the proper guidance. I can recommend a great way to learn LCD monitor repair easily and quickly from your home. All you need is a computer with an internet connection.
Jestine Yong is a professional LCD Monitor instructor who has conducted many LCD Monitor repair courses. Mr. Yong has spent countless hours repairing, testing and analyzing LCD Monitors.
People who have little or no experience in LCD repair or professionals who want to update their skills and get practical experience will also benefit from the LCD Monitor Repair Guide.
Here is what you will learn: Read SMD electronic components codes. Understand how the LCD Monitor works. Read LCD Monitor Schematic diagrams. Isolate problems in LCD Monitors that speeds up your repair. Understand the critical waveform and frequencies in many parts of the LCD Monitor Section that will help you to easily diagnose the faults. Discover what is start circuit and how this circuit functions. Discover what is stuck and dead pixel and be shown a free website that has possible way to cure them. How to test the high voltage transformer. How to dismantle the LCD Monitor casing and lamps. Learn from actual LCD Monitor repair cases.
The key to success in LCD monitor troubleshooting is understanding how each section of the LCD monitor works. If you ignore this fact, the chance of you successfully repairing the LCD Monitor will be slim.
You know that there are times the cost of fixing an LCD monitor costs more than buying a new one. You can save a lot of money by learning how the LCD Monitor works and what can go wrong even if you dont want to repair the monitor yourself.
If you can repair it yourself, you will be able to do what is required for a fraction of the cost that would be charged by a repair center. It makes sense to repair an older monitor.
LCD monitor repair can be very confusing if you do not have the proper guidance. I can recommend a great way to learn LCD monitor repair easily and quickly from your home. All you need is a computer with an internet connection.
Jestine Yong is a professional LCD Monitor instructor who has conducted many LCD Monitor repair courses. Mr. Yong has spent countless hours repairing, testing and analyzing LCD Monitors.
People who have little or no experience in LCD repair or professionals who want to update their skills and get practical experience will also benefit from the LCD Monitor Repair Guide.
Here is what you will learn: Read SMD electronic components codes. Understand how the LCD Monitor works. Read LCD Monitor Schematic diagrams. Isolate problems in LCD Monitors that speeds up your repair. Understand the critical waveform and frequencies in many parts of the LCD Monitor Section that will help you to easily diagnose the faults. Discover what is start circuit and how this circuit functions. Discover what is stuck and dead pixel and be shown a free website that has possible way to cure them. How to test the high voltage transformer. How to dismantle the LCD Monitor casing and lamps. Learn from actual LCD Monitor repair cases.
The key to success in LCD monitor troubleshooting is understanding how each section of the LCD monitor works. If you ignore this fact, the chance of you successfully repairing the LCD Monitor will be slim.
What To Look For In GPS Systems For Cars
If there is one thing in driving that is certain, it's the fact that if you have a GPS system with you, driving becomes a lot less stressful. By the time you are done reading this article, you will know what the most important parts of a GPS system are so you can purchase one that is right for you.
The size of the screen can be a big factor when it comes to GPS systems. The smaller the screen is the harder it will be to see where you will be needing to turn. It is best to get a screen between 6 and 7 inches.
After you find a system that has the screen size you like, you need to take a look at its map coverage. It is very important that you find one that covers all of North America (if that is where you are from). The majority of them will cover North America by default. Some of the systems out there allow you to plug a GPS into your computer on download maps onto it.
Having your GPS system actually talk to you is probably the best way to get directions, it sure beats having to constantly look at the map. Almost all systems have a built speech, but some of the more pricey systems have built in text to speech. This allows you to hear the actual street names instead of hearing "turn right in three miles" In our opinion, this function is easily worth the extra money.
You need to choose a design that you like, there is no right or wrong for this. However, if you drive more than one car it is important you look for one that will allow you to transport it easily from car to car.
The size of the screen can be a big factor when it comes to GPS systems. The smaller the screen is the harder it will be to see where you will be needing to turn. It is best to get a screen between 6 and 7 inches.
After you find a system that has the screen size you like, you need to take a look at its map coverage. It is very important that you find one that covers all of North America (if that is where you are from). The majority of them will cover North America by default. Some of the systems out there allow you to plug a GPS into your computer on download maps onto it.
Having your GPS system actually talk to you is probably the best way to get directions, it sure beats having to constantly look at the map. Almost all systems have a built speech, but some of the more pricey systems have built in text to speech. This allows you to hear the actual street names instead of hearing "turn right in three miles" In our opinion, this function is easily worth the extra money.
You need to choose a design that you like, there is no right or wrong for this. However, if you drive more than one car it is important you look for one that will allow you to transport it easily from car to car.
The Evolution Of Electronics Display Technologies Explained
For anyone over the age of thirty, it is well known that electronics displays have changed drastically over the decades. The new display screens of today, that new generations enjoy, were not in existence even just ten years ago. It's fun to see where the industry all got started by learning of past display technologies.
When you use a simple calculator, you might notice that the display you are using is very basic. This display is a liquid crystal display, or LCD display. It comes in many forms, as you will see the same technologies present in current computer monitors. LCD technology has been around for many years and continues to evolve itself as a technology product.
The expensive high definition televisions that can be bought today are often using plasma as the display technology. Plasma is nothing new, believe it or not! Plasma was employed in older computer displays, but could only use one color due to limitations in technology back then. Plasma screens are much more advanced today, and are able to display millions of different hues and colors down to a single pixel.
Light emitting diode displays, known better as the LED, have also had their own separate evolution process. The LED display bloomed late in popularity, however. While the LED doesn't have the color options and affordability of other technologies, it is extremely efficient when used in proper applications. An LED light, for instance, is much more energy efficient than your average light bulb currently in use by the average United States family.
The cathode ray tube, or CRT, is what fueled much of the evolution of computer displays and television displays. The CRT allowed for great resolution, it was affordable, and it could support a very wide range of colors seemingly in an instant. Even today, the CRT monitor is still in use since they are so inexpensive and can often be found second-hand at garage sales. They may be more bulky than newer technologies, but they work just the same for the average user.
At this point, the industry is looking more at innovation than a way to make current technologies smaller and more efficient. Focus has been put on technologies such as touch capability- which has exploded into the retail market. It has also been used dominantly in the mobile phone market, that has been able to create many innovative mobile phone designs as a result of trends in touch screen displays.
Closing Comments
The displays of the past are important to learn, so that we know where the electronics industry originated from. New technologies are often based or compared to these technologies, so they are also used as a meter stick in order to gauge the worth of new innovations in electronics displays.
When you use a simple calculator, you might notice that the display you are using is very basic. This display is a liquid crystal display, or LCD display. It comes in many forms, as you will see the same technologies present in current computer monitors. LCD technology has been around for many years and continues to evolve itself as a technology product.
The expensive high definition televisions that can be bought today are often using plasma as the display technology. Plasma is nothing new, believe it or not! Plasma was employed in older computer displays, but could only use one color due to limitations in technology back then. Plasma screens are much more advanced today, and are able to display millions of different hues and colors down to a single pixel.
Light emitting diode displays, known better as the LED, have also had their own separate evolution process. The LED display bloomed late in popularity, however. While the LED doesn't have the color options and affordability of other technologies, it is extremely efficient when used in proper applications. An LED light, for instance, is much more energy efficient than your average light bulb currently in use by the average United States family.
The cathode ray tube, or CRT, is what fueled much of the evolution of computer displays and television displays. The CRT allowed for great resolution, it was affordable, and it could support a very wide range of colors seemingly in an instant. Even today, the CRT monitor is still in use since they are so inexpensive and can often be found second-hand at garage sales. They may be more bulky than newer technologies, but they work just the same for the average user.
At this point, the industry is looking more at innovation than a way to make current technologies smaller and more efficient. Focus has been put on technologies such as touch capability- which has exploded into the retail market. It has also been used dominantly in the mobile phone market, that has been able to create many innovative mobile phone designs as a result of trends in touch screen displays.
Closing Comments
The displays of the past are important to learn, so that we know where the electronics industry originated from. New technologies are often based or compared to these technologies, so they are also used as a meter stick in order to gauge the worth of new innovations in electronics displays.
Comparing Mini DV And Flash Memory Based Camcorders
If you're interested in camcorders you've no doubt come across a variety of different models that use differing formats. The two major formats are those of Mini DV and Flash Card based cameras.
Mini DV tapes are small cassettes that have become one of the most popular formats to record on. They are used for allocations ranging from home videos to even some professional quality independent films. The SD cards that Flash based cameras record onto are a digital memory card used to store data, commonly used in a variety of different applications in the electronics world.
It seems as though a major factor in one's typical decision making is the price. Flash based cameras are typically of a lower price and feature less quality of recording that that of Mini DV ones. The advantage, aside from the smaller price point of these cameras, is that they film onto a format that maintains its integrity regardless of how many times it is recorded onto. Mini DV tapes are just like the antiquated VHS cassettes of years ago. With age, and if one records over the same footage tie and time again, the tape will not be able to withstand recording quality video onto it.
If you need to transfer video off of these cameras the Flash camera definitely wins on the side of ease. Even Grandma can just eject the SD card and put it in the computer to e-mail to the rest of the family. With a Mini DV camera, however, one would have to attach a cable, which is often sold separately, to even consider transferring video to a computer.
However, there are exceptions to this. Many lower end models of Mini DV camcorders lack the quality of their middle ground counterparts. Whereas some of the higher end camcorders that record onto flash memory cards are comparable to, if not capable of exceeding, the quality of typical Mini DV camera.
So, if you're wanting to shoot a video to help you break into the independent film scene, Mini DV would seem to be what you're looking for. If you just want to shoot some family videos on a budget a Flash Based camera is likely the best choice for you.
But, you should keep in mind that camcorders come in a variety of models and one shouldn't be hasty in making up their mind. Regardless of the general features and benefits of Flash based and Mini DV camcorders, there are a lot of different features in each and every model out there and it's not a bad idea to check reviews of them via the internet prior to making an expensive commitment to owning some new, state of the art electronics.
Mini DV tapes are small cassettes that have become one of the most popular formats to record on. They are used for allocations ranging from home videos to even some professional quality independent films. The SD cards that Flash based cameras record onto are a digital memory card used to store data, commonly used in a variety of different applications in the electronics world.
It seems as though a major factor in one's typical decision making is the price. Flash based cameras are typically of a lower price and feature less quality of recording that that of Mini DV ones. The advantage, aside from the smaller price point of these cameras, is that they film onto a format that maintains its integrity regardless of how many times it is recorded onto. Mini DV tapes are just like the antiquated VHS cassettes of years ago. With age, and if one records over the same footage tie and time again, the tape will not be able to withstand recording quality video onto it.
If you need to transfer video off of these cameras the Flash camera definitely wins on the side of ease. Even Grandma can just eject the SD card and put it in the computer to e-mail to the rest of the family. With a Mini DV camera, however, one would have to attach a cable, which is often sold separately, to even consider transferring video to a computer.
However, there are exceptions to this. Many lower end models of Mini DV camcorders lack the quality of their middle ground counterparts. Whereas some of the higher end camcorders that record onto flash memory cards are comparable to, if not capable of exceeding, the quality of typical Mini DV camera.
So, if you're wanting to shoot a video to help you break into the independent film scene, Mini DV would seem to be what you're looking for. If you just want to shoot some family videos on a budget a Flash Based camera is likely the best choice for you.
But, you should keep in mind that camcorders come in a variety of models and one shouldn't be hasty in making up their mind. Regardless of the general features and benefits of Flash based and Mini DV camcorders, there are a lot of different features in each and every model out there and it's not a bad idea to check reviews of them via the internet prior to making an expensive commitment to owning some new, state of the art electronics.
Elegant And Stylish Pocket Watches At Ignydesign
Pocket watches have been in trend from a long time back and are being used today also. These kind of watches have a classy feel and are the best option for the people who can not wear them on the wrist. They have been around amongst very sophisticated people and look graceful.
The basic designing and fundamental concept behind these watches has not changed since past few years. Many of the companies have carried on the conventional designs from hundreds of years and they continue to manufacture the similar designs, which were in trend from a long time back. Pendant watches are even favorites of many people and are manufactured by some of the well known brands. Though, there are not lots of people liking these watches, but there are still many of them having craze about these kinds of watches and cameo vintage lockets. Undoubtedly, they are attractive and look different from the normal watches.
There are many classy characters who have taken these pocket watches as a part of their popularity symbol. The pendant watches and pocket watches have been in trend from long times back. There are excellent shapes and varieties available these days for these watches. Many leading brands manufacture them as the stylish symbol for many people. These watches look good with rich quality of material and should be branded for more graceful look.
If you are purchasing these watches, the main thing to be looked is craftsmanship of the watch. The designs vary from plain to elegant and designer outlook of the watches. While purchasing the watch, you need to be careful about the design engraved into them. The elegant watches always have something different in them and give a rich and worthy appearance. Your watch need to appear sophisticated and need to have a value for money spent by you. The antique and vintage collection is liked by many people. There have been several people looking for the typical antique pocket watches. There is a good search required before purchase of these watches. It is quite exciting for the watch lovers to seek for the best one for their needs and according to their personalized choices. After the full research, it is always a great feeling to get a perfect watch for your own self.
There has been a lot of advancement in craftsmanship of the watches and there has been a big change over the years. Mass manufacturing of watches is in latest trend. There is an availability of intricate design trends for pocket watches. Many of the antique and elegant designs are still appreciated by people and there is a demand for them in the present times too.
The basic designing and fundamental concept behind these watches has not changed since past few years. Many of the companies have carried on the conventional designs from hundreds of years and they continue to manufacture the similar designs, which were in trend from a long time back. Pendant watches are even favorites of many people and are manufactured by some of the well known brands. Though, there are not lots of people liking these watches, but there are still many of them having craze about these kinds of watches and cameo vintage lockets. Undoubtedly, they are attractive and look different from the normal watches.
There are many classy characters who have taken these pocket watches as a part of their popularity symbol. The pendant watches and pocket watches have been in trend from long times back. There are excellent shapes and varieties available these days for these watches. Many leading brands manufacture them as the stylish symbol for many people. These watches look good with rich quality of material and should be branded for more graceful look.
If you are purchasing these watches, the main thing to be looked is craftsmanship of the watch. The designs vary from plain to elegant and designer outlook of the watches. While purchasing the watch, you need to be careful about the design engraved into them. The elegant watches always have something different in them and give a rich and worthy appearance. Your watch need to appear sophisticated and need to have a value for money spent by you. The antique and vintage collection is liked by many people. There have been several people looking for the typical antique pocket watches. There is a good search required before purchase of these watches. It is quite exciting for the watch lovers to seek for the best one for their needs and according to their personalized choices. After the full research, it is always a great feeling to get a perfect watch for your own self.
There has been a lot of advancement in craftsmanship of the watches and there has been a big change over the years. Mass manufacturing of watches is in latest trend. There is an availability of intricate design trends for pocket watches. Many of the antique and elegant designs are still appreciated by people and there is a demand for them in the present times too.
Electronics And Computers In Today's Cars
In today's cars, electronics and computers have replaced many mechanical components This has been done to improve security, but are we sure about this improved safety? Or maybe the electronics have introduced a new kind of risk? Let's study together which parts of a car have been upgraded with computer components.
First there is the cruise control that uses an electronic control module to maintain a fixed speed decided by the driver. The module actually sends a signal that opens or close the throttle and in this way a specific speed is maintained. But what happens if there is a fault in the system and the driver can't disengage the control?
The anti lock braking systems are also controlled by electronics. They modulate the braking force during a stop and this should lower the risk of an emergency stop because the wheels do not lock, keeping the car in a controllable situation.
The most powerful computer system in a today's car in the engine control module, which controls the engine using sensors on oxygen, exhaust gases, temperature and more. All of this info is used to calculate how much fuel should be injected into the engine. The aim of course is to have the best performance with the lowest fuel usage. But if the engine control module fails, the engine can stop.
The door locks are another mechanism which is electronically controlled. Operated by a remote control, they can be activated or deactivated at a distance, along with an alarm. Since the radio frequencies used can be influenced by other radio sourced, there could be situations where the door locks can't be opened or closed and you can imagine the risk.
The power steering is another electronic mechanism, an electronically controlled power assisted steering which uses sensors to give information about the motion of the wheel to a computer unit. The aim is to reduce the physical effort required from the driver during the steering.
As you see, seems that computers and electronics are everywhere in today's world so a correct information about computers and all their functions is really necessary for anyone.
First there is the cruise control that uses an electronic control module to maintain a fixed speed decided by the driver. The module actually sends a signal that opens or close the throttle and in this way a specific speed is maintained. But what happens if there is a fault in the system and the driver can't disengage the control?
The anti lock braking systems are also controlled by electronics. They modulate the braking force during a stop and this should lower the risk of an emergency stop because the wheels do not lock, keeping the car in a controllable situation.
The most powerful computer system in a today's car in the engine control module, which controls the engine using sensors on oxygen, exhaust gases, temperature and more. All of this info is used to calculate how much fuel should be injected into the engine. The aim of course is to have the best performance with the lowest fuel usage. But if the engine control module fails, the engine can stop.
The door locks are another mechanism which is electronically controlled. Operated by a remote control, they can be activated or deactivated at a distance, along with an alarm. Since the radio frequencies used can be influenced by other radio sourced, there could be situations where the door locks can't be opened or closed and you can imagine the risk.
The power steering is another electronic mechanism, an electronically controlled power assisted steering which uses sensors to give information about the motion of the wheel to a computer unit. The aim is to reduce the physical effort required from the driver during the steering.
As you see, seems that computers and electronics are everywhere in today's world so a correct information about computers and all their functions is really necessary for anyone.
usb oscilloscope
If you add the obvious rewards of portability and a lot superior screen resolution, the future is searching bright for the usb oscilloscope .
• Do I want frequency domain (spectrum analysis) too?
• Do you want automatic measurements?
• Will you have a laptop PC out there (so you'll be able to use a USB PC scope adapter) or must this be a standalone solution?
Answers to these questions and considering the topics below will help in your choice method.
Sampling Rate/Bandwidth
What sort of signals do you desire to display? For instance, a microprocessor method clock could be the highest frequency signal the scope you will want to display. So your oscilloscope should have a bandwidth of 3 - 4 times greater than this clock frequency, as a way to display the waveform adequately. If, however, you would like to accurately see the rise-time of the clock, you'll need about 10 times that frequency as a sample rate.
Bandwidth is arguably the single most significant property of an oscilloscope, determining the range of signals that could be displayed. It also dictates price range, because it is actually a lot harder and far more expensive to make genuinely fast scope circuitry. Bandwidth is often defined as the maximum frequency of signal that could pass by way of the front-end circuitry (amplifiers, attenuators, ADCs, interconnects, relays), so the analog bandwidth of your scope must be greater than the maximum frequency which you wish to measure. Most scope manufacturers define bandwidth as the frequency at which a sine wave input signal is attenuated to 71% of its true amplitude (-3 dB point) - the displayed trace amplitude are going to be 29% in error at this frequency! Details at oscilloscope usb
The PCO interface acquisition might be a regular audio card or possibly a video game port, when mainly sound and low-frequency signals might be needed. This, of course, depends upon the application which can require considerably more method capability.
PC based oscilloscopes may well transport information and facts to the pc employing a couple of principal modes which incorporate block or streaming. Block mode employs the random access memory of the certain PC to gather a block of facts that is copied to the computer as soon as it is actually recorded. The computer system can receive block after block at a high rate of speed which increases sample capabilities up to the transfer limits of the processor.
In the streaming mode, info is recorded continuously and is actually far more accurate due to the fact that no data is lost as can happen between blocks. The actual speed on streaming is determined by the method of connection (i.e. USB or Ethernet)
You can find quite a few advantages with PC based oscilloscopes. Here are 5 which can be frequently mentioned.
1. If you already have a workable computer system, the cost is significantly much less than for a standard oscilloscope.
2. The information and facts transfer rate and ease of manipulation with PC word processors and spreadsheets in attractive.
3. Networking and information storage capabilities are far less expensive than for standalone oscilloscopes.
4. The hi-res monitors of desktop or laptop PCs is far superior to standard scopes.
• Do I want frequency domain (spectrum analysis) too?
• Do you want automatic measurements?
• Will you have a laptop PC out there (so you'll be able to use a USB PC scope adapter) or must this be a standalone solution?
Answers to these questions and considering the topics below will help in your choice method.
Sampling Rate/Bandwidth
What sort of signals do you desire to display? For instance, a microprocessor method clock could be the highest frequency signal the scope you will want to display. So your oscilloscope should have a bandwidth of 3 - 4 times greater than this clock frequency, as a way to display the waveform adequately. If, however, you would like to accurately see the rise-time of the clock, you'll need about 10 times that frequency as a sample rate.
Bandwidth is arguably the single most significant property of an oscilloscope, determining the range of signals that could be displayed. It also dictates price range, because it is actually a lot harder and far more expensive to make genuinely fast scope circuitry. Bandwidth is often defined as the maximum frequency of signal that could pass by way of the front-end circuitry (amplifiers, attenuators, ADCs, interconnects, relays), so the analog bandwidth of your scope must be greater than the maximum frequency which you wish to measure. Most scope manufacturers define bandwidth as the frequency at which a sine wave input signal is attenuated to 71% of its true amplitude (-3 dB point) - the displayed trace amplitude are going to be 29% in error at this frequency! Details at oscilloscope usb
The PCO interface acquisition might be a regular audio card or possibly a video game port, when mainly sound and low-frequency signals might be needed. This, of course, depends upon the application which can require considerably more method capability.
PC based oscilloscopes may well transport information and facts to the pc employing a couple of principal modes which incorporate block or streaming. Block mode employs the random access memory of the certain PC to gather a block of facts that is copied to the computer as soon as it is actually recorded. The computer system can receive block after block at a high rate of speed which increases sample capabilities up to the transfer limits of the processor.
In the streaming mode, info is recorded continuously and is actually far more accurate due to the fact that no data is lost as can happen between blocks. The actual speed on streaming is determined by the method of connection (i.e. USB or Ethernet)
You can find quite a few advantages with PC based oscilloscopes. Here are 5 which can be frequently mentioned.
1. If you already have a workable computer system, the cost is significantly much less than for a standard oscilloscope.
2. The information and facts transfer rate and ease of manipulation with PC word processors and spreadsheets in attractive.
3. Networking and information storage capabilities are far less expensive than for standalone oscilloscopes.
4. The hi-res monitors of desktop or laptop PCs is far superior to standard scopes.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Samsung Galaxy S II: 3 million units already sold
Samsung has proudly announced that it sold 3 million Galaxy S II i9100 Android smartphones around the world since its initial launch (55 days ago). Thus, the new S II has become the fastest selling smartphone in the company’s history. The previous record was held by the original Galaxy S (i9000), sold in 3 million units in 85 days back in 2010.
At the current rate, a Galaxy S II is being sold every 1.5 seconds – meaning about 57,000 devices per day!
The handset’s huge global success isn’t really a surprise: it definitely has a place among the best smartphones on the market right now, regardless of what OS you prefer, and more than 1 million units have been shipped in South Korea only.
With the new Galaxy’s upcoming launch in Canada and the US, we’re expecting to see a few more million units sold pretty soon.
Running the latest Android 2.3 Gingerbread, Samsung Galaxy S II is one of the thinnest smartphones ever (8.5 mm) and, as you probably already know, it offers an awesome set of features, including a Super AMOLED Plus WVGA display, dual-core processor, and 1080p video recording.
I can’t help wondering if the S II would’ve been this popular had Android not existed – let’s say, if it ran Windows Phone, or Bada, or Symbian. But I guess we’ll never know the answer to this question.
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At the current rate, a Galaxy S II is being sold every 1.5 seconds – meaning about 57,000 devices per day!
The handset’s huge global success isn’t really a surprise: it definitely has a place among the best smartphones on the market right now, regardless of what OS you prefer, and more than 1 million units have been shipped in South Korea only.
With the new Galaxy’s upcoming launch in Canada and the US, we’re expecting to see a few more million units sold pretty soon.
Running the latest Android 2.3 Gingerbread, Samsung Galaxy S II is one of the thinnest smartphones ever (8.5 mm) and, as you probably already know, it offers an awesome set of features, including a Super AMOLED Plus WVGA display, dual-core processor, and 1080p video recording.
I can’t help wondering if the S II would’ve been this popular had Android not existed – let’s say, if it ran Windows Phone, or Bada, or Symbian. But I guess we’ll never know the answer to this question.
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LG Infinia 65LW6500 65-Inch Cinema 3D 1080p 120 Hz
LED TVs are in point a superior kind of LCD Tv, but number of know that they drop into the same category, technically, as LCD TVs. What an LED Television provides, even so, are numerous improvements and options that older LCD TVs don't have, including native dimming, vibrant colors and outstanding slimness in layout. If you are seeking to foreseeable future-evidence your dwelling amusement experience, this new era of TVs is undoubtedly the way to go.
Greater Contrast Ratio, Deeper Blacks
For starters, just take the contrast ratio. Older LCD TVs use CCFLs - cold cathode fluorescent lamps - that can't selectively be turned off. That usually means that all through dark scenes, there is however normally a bit of light on the screen. LED TVs use a distinct technological know-how in which individual pixels can be turned on or off selectively, resulting in loaded, darkish images and deep blacks that give a considerably a lot more extravagant viewing experience.
Slimmer Than Actually Before
Before, LCD TVs ended up regarded as an immense development in slimness over the clunky CRT (cathode-ray tube) TVs of yesteryears. These days, a Television that's much more than four inches thick is considered previous-fashioned and outdated. Enter LED TVs - slimmer than at any time prior to, some of them are thinner than an inch, many thanks to LED know-how - and can even be hung on your wall to look like a futuristic picture frame.
Regional Dimming
LED TVs like the Vizio XVT553SV, LG INFINIA 55LX9500 or the Samsung UN55C8000 present a aspect that's referred to as "local dimming", resulting in a a lot more vibrant exhibit and exceptional contrast ratios. Most almost everything on these TVs appears much better than on your older LCD Tv simply because of the higher-intensity LED lamps that deliver the picture. Whether it really is action videos, chick flicks, sports activities or pc/video video games, these new TVs present you with detail and clarity that you under no circumstances considered probable.
Refresh Charges & Response Times
Standard televisions have a refresh rate of 60 Hz the finest LED TVs supply lightning-fast refresh prices of 240 Hz and previously mentioned. Also look and feel out for speedy reaction periods - you will want it to be three ms or quicker. A rapid response time is specially useful when viewing quick-action subject material like sports, action motion pictures and video video games, doing people great-speed movements significantly less blurry and far more fulfilling. The LED backlighting technologies also permits for contrast ratios of up to ten,000,000:one, significantly outside of what any LCD Television can offer.
These are constructed for to maximize your multimedia alternatives. The greater-finish versions typically provide at least 4 HDMI inputs in addition an Ethernet port, Computer input and other common element video inputs. More and more, quite a few provide Wi-Fi and have USB ports so you can watch and share pics, songs and house video clips.
Technical Support
Presented that this is even now a new technological innovation, you will want to make sure that your LED Tv arrives with ample technical help. Wherever you purchase your Television from, check for tech assistance cell phone figures, e-mail, actual-time chat and on the web FAQs.
Greater Contrast Ratio, Deeper Blacks
For starters, just take the contrast ratio. Older LCD TVs use CCFLs - cold cathode fluorescent lamps - that can't selectively be turned off. That usually means that all through dark scenes, there is however normally a bit of light on the screen. LED TVs use a distinct technological know-how in which individual pixels can be turned on or off selectively, resulting in loaded, darkish images and deep blacks that give a considerably a lot more extravagant viewing experience.
Slimmer Than Actually Before
Before, LCD TVs ended up regarded as an immense development in slimness over the clunky CRT (cathode-ray tube) TVs of yesteryears. These days, a Television that's much more than four inches thick is considered previous-fashioned and outdated. Enter LED TVs - slimmer than at any time prior to, some of them are thinner than an inch, many thanks to LED know-how - and can even be hung on your wall to look like a futuristic picture frame.
Regional Dimming
LED TVs like the Vizio XVT553SV, LG INFINIA 55LX9500 or the Samsung UN55C8000 present a aspect that's referred to as "local dimming", resulting in a a lot more vibrant exhibit and exceptional contrast ratios. Most almost everything on these TVs appears much better than on your older LCD Tv simply because of the higher-intensity LED lamps that deliver the picture. Whether it really is action videos, chick flicks, sports activities or pc/video video games, these new TVs present you with detail and clarity that you under no circumstances considered probable.
Refresh Charges & Response Times
Standard televisions have a refresh rate of 60 Hz the finest LED TVs supply lightning-fast refresh prices of 240 Hz and previously mentioned. Also look and feel out for speedy reaction periods - you will want it to be three ms or quicker. A rapid response time is specially useful when viewing quick-action subject material like sports, action motion pictures and video video games, doing people great-speed movements significantly less blurry and far more fulfilling. The LED backlighting technologies also permits for contrast ratios of up to ten,000,000:one, significantly outside of what any LCD Television can offer.
These are constructed for to maximize your multimedia alternatives. The greater-finish versions typically provide at least 4 HDMI inputs in addition an Ethernet port, Computer input and other common element video inputs. More and more, quite a few provide Wi-Fi and have USB ports so you can watch and share pics, songs and house video clips.
Technical Support
Presented that this is even now a new technological innovation, you will want to make sure that your LED Tv arrives with ample technical help. Wherever you purchase your Television from, check for tech assistance cell phone figures, e-mail, actual-time chat and on the web FAQs.
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